About Our Agency

Community Connections Support Services

Community Connections is an agency providing community, respite coordination and at home supports for people who live with a disability.  Currently, we provide services in the Central Okanagan and West Kootenay areas of BC.  Please browse around and contact us if you have any questions about us or our services.  Thanks for stopping by!

Connect with us!

phone     250-491-2907
fax            250-491-2920
toll free 888-491-2907
email      mail@commconn.ca
web         www.commconn.ca

KELOWNA – Office:

275 Rutland Road North
Kelowna, BC V1X 3B1

NELSON – Mailing address:

15B View Street
Nelson, BC V1L 2T9

CRANBROOK – Mailing address:

RPO PO Box 20004
Tamarack Mall,
Cranbrook, BC V1C 6K5

Support in Our Community
Some of the many things that our support workers help people with are banking and budgeting; life skills assistance and development; recreation and leisure skills and community access, awareness and participation. Our support workers have many years of experience supporting people to live inclusively in their communities. They use strategies that involve accessing generic community facilities where they exist and assisting people to participate and enjoy a wide variety of experiences in Kelowna and the Kootenays. Our focus has always been to connect people with their community!

Our agency is committed to creating cost-effective, affordable opportunities for people to get out and involved in their community. Often these activities are designed to be of no cost to the people that we support as we access free activities in our community (parks, concerts, outdoor sports fields, etc.). However, if there is a cost associated with participating in an event, we ask that the people attending pay their costs to join us. Every activity that we facilitate is designed to break even, that is, we do not profit from any event that we host at our agency. The budget for any particular event is based on the the total cost of the event divided by the number of people that we expect to participate. This amount is included in any flyers or brochures that we have advertising the event and if there are cost overruns, we do not expect the people we support to pay more than we have told them we are charging for the event. Therefore, it is important that you participate in those events that you have signed up for as future events we put on depend on past events having run successfully.

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