Glossary of Terms Referred to in Home Share
- CCSS: Community Connections Support Services
- CLBC: Community Living British Columbia
CLBC is a Crown Agency of the Province of British Columbia responsible for the delivery of services to adults with developmental disabilities.
- Facilitators:
CLBC staff who are responsible for supporting the individual with developmental disability access services.
- CPD: Community Planning and Development. The CLBC office for Facilitators.
- QSA: Quality Service Analysts
CLBC staff responsible for contracts, payments and for monitoring all services in the region
- QSO: Quality Service Office. The CLBC office for Quality Service Analysts.
- HSC: Home Share Coordinator
Employed by CCSS in the role of supporting caregivers and individuals in their home
- HSP: Home Share Provider
Approved individuals/ families who are under contract by CCSS
- MSDPR: Ministry for Social Development and Poverty Reduction
Governmental agency responsible for income assistance eligibility and payments.
- GSA: Guide to Support Allocation
The tool used by CLBC staff to determine the funding levels for supporting individuals in Home Share.
- PGT: Public Guardian and Trustee
- ICM: Integrated Case Management
- DDMH: Developmental Disabilities Mental Health
Individuals with a developmental disability and a mental health diagnosis can access supports from the DDMH Nurse. DDMH Nurse facilitates medication reviews and access to Mental Health supports.
- HSCL: Health Services for Community Living
HSCL Nurse who can be accessed through referral to support individuals with complex health needs and develops their individual Health Care Plan.
- PWD: Person With Disabilities (PWD) is the term used by MSDPR regarding monthly income assistance funding for individuals accessing Home Share
- OAS: Old Age Security. Funding for day to day living as well as for room and board comes from this persons’ monthly cheque.
- EAW: Employment and Assistance Workers through MSDPR
- ISP: Individual Service Plan
Completed by the HSP outlining goals developed in consultation with the individual, regarding their home share supports.
- BCCPD: British Columbia Coalition of People with Disabilities
- CMHA: Canadian Mental Health Association
- CSW: Community Support Worker
- CI: Community Inclusion
- IF: Individual Funding
- IFP: Individual/ Family Preferencing
- ISP: Individual Service Plan
- EMP: Emergency Management Plan
- MCFD: Ministry for Children and Family Development
- CYSN: Children and Youth Special Needs. The branch of the Ministry for Children and Family Development that is responsible for services and supports to children with special needs and their families under the child is 19.
- PAC: Provincial Assessment Centre
- PLAN: Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network
- PSI: Personal Support Initiative
- OT: Occupational Therapist
- PT: Physiotherapist
- RDSP: Registered Disabilities Savings Plan
- SLP: Speech and Language Pathologist