Kelowna: Intelligent Lives Screening October 18, 2018

Please see the information below, looks like an amazing film:

Hello everyone!

We are excited to announce Intelligent Lives – a new documentary film by award-winning filmmaker Dan Habib. Intelligent Lives stars 3 young adults with intellectual disabilities who challenge perceptions of intelligence as they navigate high school, college and the workforce. Intelligent Lives challenges what it means to be intelligent and points to a future in which people of all abilities can fully participate in higher education, meaningful employment and intimate relationships.

Date: October 18th, 2018 6:00 – 8:30 PM

Location: Theatre Room Okanagan University College.

This is a free screening, but registration is required. Please RSVP to indicate the number of guests attending.

Facebook@IntelligentLives, Instagram@danhabibfilms, Twitter @IntelligenceDoc.

Inclusion Chain Proclamation Event- Postponed

Hi everyone, please see the message below from Charisse (Pathways) – the Kelowna Inclusion Chain and Proclamation will be rescheduled.  Stay tuned!


Though we’ve never done it before, due to the unprecedented forecast for tomorrow of heavy rain, lightning an unseasonably cold temperatures, we’ve made the decision to postpone the Inclusion Chain/ Proclamation event which was scheduled to occur at Kelowna City Hall, October 2, 2018 at 10:00 am.   We hope to reschedule for later this month.

As you know, the Inclusion Chain/Proclamation event is a critical one for Pathways and our new partner, Community Connections and our community as a whole. We hate to interfere with it now that it’s become a 5 year tradition, at the same time we do not expect nor want people to come out in terrible weather conditions. If you have passed the information on please also forward this email.

Thank you for your understanding and support and stay tuned for the new date!

Charisse Daley
Pathways Abilities Society

