Kelowna: Community Support is Changing…

Hi everyone:

We just want to let you know that community support in Kelowna is changing. We have in the past had a combination one-to-one, small group and large group activities for the people that we serve in community support. We are changing the support model to either one-to-one or global (group) which means that you will have to make a choice about how your community support services are delivered to you.

Our intrepid reporter, Amit Ghosh, interviewed Joel Gunther (service coordinator) and yours truly to get more information and explain the changes happening over the summer. Check out the video below. We will be also sending around a letter with your options and will be chatting with you about these changes. If you still have questions, make sure you check in with your Community Support Worker.

Special thanks go out to Kathy Herbert (behind the camera) who put this fantastic video together for everyone. Thanks Kathy! Thanks Amit!


Hey everyone:

Just thought I would pass along this fantastic pic from Chris’s birthday party. Looks like everybody had a blast! Thanks so much to Brenda (on the left) or organizing!

Happy birthday Chris…!

Run through the Vines for PLAN Okanagan!

PLAN Okanagan’s WFG Run Through The Vines is an annual fundraising event  to raise awareness in the community for the important work of PLAN Okanagan and provide an opportunity for families to meet other families while having some fun and fitness.  The race distance is 2 km or 4 km.
The funds generated by this run will help to support persons with diverse-abilities and their families by building and supporting social networks for individuals with diverse-abilities; including training those who facilitate these networks, and the supporting future planning education. See the poster below for the details!


Hey everone:

Check this out – we were lucky to have the Kelowna Fire Department come and teach a group of us to use fire extinguishers…. above is a pic of the folks who came out to learn how to use a fire extinguisher properly.
