KOOTENAYS: Masks required for RDCK facilities

Starting September 14th, the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) will require you to wear non-medical masks or face coverings in recreation facilities. There are some exceptions to this requirement – masks are not required when:

  • Exercising or performing physical activity
  • A medical professional has said that wearing a mask may pose a health risk to or impair an individual
  • Wearing a mask would create a health or safety risk to the wearer as determined by federal, provincial or local regulators or Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines
  • An individual is physically unable to put on or take off the mask without assistance
  • An individual has trouble breathing or cannot remove the mask without help
  • An individual is deaf or hard of hearing and relies on facial and mouth movements to receive communication
  • An individual is a baby or toddler under two years of age

Check out their webpage with more information on safe re-opening plans, and COVID-19 updates.

Your social distancing reminder of the week…

We’ve all seen changes in our daily lives as we adapt to social distancing. We know that social distancing means staying at least 2m away from other people, and we know that it helps prevent Coronavirus (COVID-19). Keeping this “physical distance” of 2m keeps ourselves and others safe.


Check out the Foundry BC website for a great explanation of how this “physical distance” helps during a pandemic. Their website also explains self-isolation or self-monitoring, and how these two things are different.

Take care of yourself…

It can be tough to know how to take good care of your mental and physical health facing new challenges of life with COVID-19. The Government of Canada has a great website with helpful suggestions, and a reminder that it’s normal to feel afraid, stressed, or worried in a crisis.

Reach out if you need help “surfing” some different feelings!

If you want to take good care of yourself, but you’re not sure where to start, why not check out their suggestions for eating healthy meals – they’ve even got helpful videos! You could pick a new recipe with a friend, try making it for dinner next week, and video chat about it afterwards!
