Update on Home Share Working Group

Hi everyone, thanks to COPCS for sending around an update regarding the Home Share Working Group, and their efforts on behalf of home share providers:

Dear COPCS Members:
We want to share news from the Home Share Working Group’s meeting held on December 12th in Vancouver.
CLBC presented a proposal to support improved communication with the 4,000 home share providers across the province.  Action will be taken to create a new subscriber based newsletter which will be delivered every two months.  All of COPCS members will be sent the newsletter via email. 
If you would like to receive updates regarding the Home Sharing Working Group, please send an email to CLBCInfo@gov.bc.ca In addition, COPCS will be updating members at our regular business meetings.  The next Home Sharing Working Group meeting will be held on February 15th in Vancouver.
Executive Members of the Central Okanagan Professional Caregivers Society

Family Support Institute Newsletter – Fall 2018

Hey everyone, make sure you check out the Family Support Institute’s Fall 2018 Newsletter – link below!  They are also putting out a call for anyone interested in writing for future issues.  If you like to write, consider sending in an article!

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Welcome to the Family Support Institute of BC (FSI)’s
Fall 2018 Possibilities! Newsletter

  << Click on the cover page click here and ENJOY!
  This newsletter is available to all families, friends
and partnering organizations with the hope that the
stories and information can help support or inspire families
and individuals with diverse challenges.

Please feel free to share this
information with your network.  

To sign up for FSI’s newsletter, please
click here to subscribe through Mail Chimp.

We value your comments, suggestions and articles on what’s going on in your community. Submissions for consideration into a future Possibilities! newsletter or requests to reprint any of its content can be emailed to fsi@fsibc.com.
The Editor reserves the right to edit the material and to withhold material from publication.  

The Family Support Institute of BC provides province wide support to families faced with the extraordinary circumstances that come with having a family member with a disability. If you are interested in supporting FSI, simply complete our Donation Form (.pdf). It includes an option for secure credit card donations (one time or monthly) through FSI’s Donate Now weblink and information on provincial government donation campaigns.  

If you know of family members, friends or colleagues who might be interested in learning about the Family Support Institute of BC, or you require more information please contact our office or visit our web-site at www.familysupportbc.com. 

We hope you enjoy this Fall 2018 Possibilities! newsletter. 

Please note that all FSI members with email addresses will automatically be subscribed to FSI’s newsletter by the FSI office.  

Warm Regards.

Jessica La 
Provincial Family Support Coordinator
Family Support Institute of BC
227 6th Street
New Westminster, BC  V3L 3A5
Phone:    604-540-8374 / Toll free 1-800-441-5403
Email:     training@fsibc.com                          
Website:  www.familysupportbc.com                                             


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Family Support Institute of BC

227 6th Street

New Westminster, BC V3L 3A5


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Cool Arts Winter Newsletter & Invitation to Holiday Party

Thanks to CoolArts for passing along their newsletter and a party invitation!
Hello Cool Arts friends, family, and supporters:
Please find the Cool Arts Winter Newsletter and an invitation to our Holiday Party & Art Sale attached.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via return email (info@coolarts.ca) or give me a call in studio.
Hope to see you at the Holiday Party – if we miss you, have a wonderful holiday and we’ll see you in the new year!
With warmest regards, 
Elana Bizovie

Administrative Assistant
Cool Arts Society

A stellar sky!

The team out at the Kelowna office was in for a treat tonight with a beautiful winter sky – though the pictures don’t do it full justice!

How are the winter skies out your way?

Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities!

Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities!  Today, we join people all over the world as we celebrate how far we have come in support of community inclusion.  And, we also join in as we look forward to “what’s next” in this movement.

Since 1992, the United Nations has celebrated International Day of Persons with Disabilities each year.  Looking ahead to the future, this day is a big part of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which pledges to “leave no one behind.”  You can read more about the UN’s Agenda here.

More locally, here are some of the ways people are looking at this year’s theme, which is “empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”:

The BC Government has put together a series of articles on their website that reviews how the province has supported removal of barriers – and how they plan to keep removing barriers in future.  The list includes resources that are already available (such as CLBC, CAYA) as well as new ones.  One new strategy is a Cross-Ministry Disability Strategy Reference Group.  This group, made up of 18 assistant deputy ministers, is going to explore ways that ministries and government agencies can better collaborate in providing supports for people with disabilities.

The SelfAdvocateNet website has a page for this day and how it remains relevant.  They’ve also included information on events, including the Film festivals taking place in our communities.  CLBC has also added film festival information on their events page.

Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, also took this opportunity to highlight the steps Canada is taking, including the proposed Accessible Canada Act – our first national accessibility law.

So, let us know what’s going on in your community and how you will be celebrating today!  Leave us a comment or send us a photo.

Shopping Shenanigans

With the holiday season nearly upon us, many turn to shopping for presents and checking out what is new in stores.

While this can get stressful, Denise, Dave, Doreen and Samantha took a break from the frenzy to have a spot of fun – check out their video!

Thanks for sharing with us, guys!


Sprout Film Festival Invitation!

Hi all, thanks to our friends at InclusionBC for letting us know about the Sprout Film Festival – the 4th annual film festival celebrating UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities! Locations include New Westminster, Campbell River, Victoria, Kelowna, and Dawson Creek.  Here is the invitation (mailchi.mp/inclusionbc.org/e-update-sept-2274329?e=a487d6e1d6) and info for Kelowna is here (gallery.mailchimp.com/1b7161e0c15d3775331002a15/files/9722d806-83dd-4911-b036-7ebae0c097b8/CICSproutPosterNov.5.pdf).
