Happy (virtual) Canada Day!

Many of us enjoy going to our local Canada Day celebrations, being out in our communities, and celebrating our country together.

While this holiday might look a bit different for us this year, there are many ways we can all still celebrate safely! Lots of cities are taking the celebrations virtual. The Government of Canada even has an entire webpage dedicated to virtual celebrations, and Canada Day Celebration kits with activity themes!

No matter how you are celebrating Canada Day this year, remember to keep a safe social distance, at least 2m from other people. Stay safe and healthy, and have fun!

Not cancelled…

A reminder as we head towards the Canada Day holiday, which will look a bit different this year as we all socially distance…not everything is cancelled!

Stay healthy and safe.

MyBooklet BC Training Sessions…

Hey everyone, check out this free online training offered by the Family Support Institute:

Family Support Institute of BC is inviting you to join us for the myBooklet BC zoom session presented by Lydia Kang – the creator of myBooklet BC.  Lydia will introduce and showcase the exciting myBooklet BC updates and upgrades coming soon.

If you want to learn how to create a personalized “All About Me booklet” for/with individuals with diverse abilities and their families, this session is for you!

Details of the zoom sessions: If you have any questions, please contact Lydia Kang via email lkang@fsibc.com or call 604-862-6807.

There are two options available: Monday, Jun 29, 2020 07:00PM– 9:00PM and Tuesday, Jun 30, 2020 10:00AM– 12:00PM.
