Updated Hospital Visit Guidelines…

Hey everyone, the Ministry of Health has issued updated guidance about essential visits to support individuals with disabilities while in the hospital. If a visit is deemed “essential,” then it is permitted.

CLBC has released an update bulletin summarizing the information, with a link to the full document. Check it out, and please pass along.

—UPDATE: June 1, 2020—

There is a plain language summary now available from CLBC.

Mental health resources from WorkSafeBC

Hey everyone, you might have read that the Province has posted BC’s Restart Plan, and it talks about a safe re-start with WorkSafeBC. WorkSafeBC has a page dedicated to return to safe operations. On their page, they have a great list of resources geared to support mental health in the workplace:

Feel free to share with others!

BC’s Restart Plan

Hey everyone, the Province has posted BC’s Restart Plan to their website. As well as having great resources, it talks about:

  • Protective measures we’ve taken in B.C. have made a difference
  • The next stage of our challenge
  • How we’ll keep transmission low
  • How we’ll start getting people back to work (including details on “Phases 1 to 4”)
  • Some next steps to make life a little easier
  • How we’ll keep taking care of each other
  • The little things make a big difference

You can also download the plan as a PDF. Check it out!

Free webinar TODAY: Community Living in Isolation

Hey everyone, there is a free webinar later today called “Community Living in Isolation: Responding to COVID-19.” You can check out details and register here.

This webinar is presented in partnership with CLBC and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA). Panelists will be considering what Community Living looks like in a pandemic, when access to community is limited, and also discussing how the Community Living and housing sectors are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
