Justice & Diversity

Community Connections Support Services envisions a vibrant and inclusive society that embraces equality and diversity by promoting racial and LGBTQ2S+ justice and eliminating discrimination for all.

We acknowledge the land that we live, work, and play on as the traditional territories of the Okanagan, Ktunaxa, and Sinixt Nations.

Power restored in Kelowna

Hey everyone, looks like the power’s back on in the Okanagan! Another good reminder to keep those emergency preparedness kits stocked with flashlights, batteries, and candles.

Heat warnings

Hey everyone, with the current heat warnings in effect please take extra precautions to keep cool at this time. 

Stay updated on heat warnings and current wildfire info (https://www.emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca/) and find out what measures are in place locally for cooling centres and heat response/resources, should you need them.  Example from Kelowna here: https://www.kelowna.ca/our-community/news-events/news/cool-down-locations-available-public-temperatures-climb

Stay safe everyone!

We Day! Wow!!!

Hey everyone

We Day 2022 was a smashing success. Thanks to everyone who came out to join us. Brian managed to take a bunch of pictures and will post more as we get permission. What a crew! Thanks to Vivienne, Anshulee, Jane and Don for making it such a great day!

Jackie and Brian

CARF Accreditation Survey 2022

Hi everyone, we are looking forward to welcoming a CARF Accreditation team to complete our CARF Accreditation Survey this September, from the 28th to the 30th. Want to know more about CARF and what Accreditation is? Start here!

As the CARF Accreditation survey will be digitally enabled, there will be digital tools used to complete survey activities including tours and interviews. Find out more:
