Shopping Shenanigans

With the holiday season nearly upon us, many turn to shopping for presents and checking out what is new in stores.

While this can get stressful, Denise, Dave, Doreen and Samantha took a break from the frenzy to have a spot of fun – check out their video!

Thanks for sharing with us, guys!

Lest we forget

Hi all:

Don’t forget that this Sunday is Remembrance Day.

Thanks Amit for sharing this video on Remembrance Day

Winter is Coming…

…and that doesn’t just mean it’s time to watch Game of Thrones on TV!

As we get ready to greet the wilds of winter, check out these winter driving safety tips courtesy of ICBC – and their special guests, Frosty and the Iceman!

Keep warm, dress in layers, wear sturdy footwear and stay safe with these Seven Steps to Cold Weather Safety on the Government of Canada website.

Need some ideas to keep active through the winter?  Check out ideas from the online community!

And, if you happen to build a snow fort, send us a picture!  Welcome, Winter!

What’s your favorite winter sport?  Let us know in the comments?
