OKANAGAN: Free training – May/June 2017

Don’t forget to check out the info from posAbilities (below, with poster) about free training sessions being offered to families, caregivers and support staff!

We are pleased to present the 2017 Orientation for Support Network Members. This is part of CLBC’s ongoing goal of increasing capacity in the region by supporting local service providers to expand  the skills and knowledge to provide for the behaviour support needs of individuals with difficult and serious behaviour challenges (as defined in CLBC Policy Document).


Please see attached flyer for full details and information regarding registration.  These free sessions are open to families, caregivers and support staff Please distribute amongst your network as appropriate.  We will be holding 2 sessions in both Kelowna and Penticton.  These sessions are open to approximately 30 people per session.  Light snacks and beverages will be provided.  Attendees are welcome to bring in additional food for lunch.
The topics include:
  • Person Centered Thinking
  • Positive Behaviour Support

pdf icon Orientation-for-Support-Network-Members-South-Central-Okanagan-2017.pdf

WORKSHOP: Kamloops – May 11th

Hey everyone, there is an opportunity for those interested in crisis management to check out training being offered by the Crisis & Trauma Resource institute.  See info below!

The Crisis & Trauma Resource institute provides regular workshops on De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations.  Below is a link to the May 11th training in Kamloops.  The cost per attendee is $198.00.  You can also purchase the webinar or manual if you need training sooner through CTRI.


KELOWNA: Info on Personal Safety / Sexual Health – Nov. 12th

Not sure what resources are out there for Personal Safety or Sexual Health for individuals with disabilities?

Check out the attached info, circulated through Families In Touch.  If you know anyone who might be interested, help spread the word!

Good day,
I am developing a parent education course on Personal Safety and Sexual health education. I am interested in talking with parents and hearing what their needs are.
  I am hosting an information session on November 12 at Okanagan College.  Thank you for distributing this information,

Disclaimer: The Families In Touch network information is shared as a public service and provided… “as is” without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.


pdf icon Information-session-on-personal-safetly-and-sexual-health-education.pdf

WEBINAR: Financial Info – RDSP & Disability Tax Credit

Feel lost with financial details, like the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and Disability Tax Credit?Questions?

Help is on the way!  Join the Family Support Institute in partnership with FS Financial Strategies for this webinar on November 2nd from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.  Speakers Angela Clancy and Ron Davies will shed some light on these two topics!


Feel free to share this info!  More details at the link below:

