WORKSHOP: Trauma Care in Home Share – Sep. 12, 14

Community Connections Support Services, in partnership with Marilyn Pearson, is offering half-day workshops in Castlegar (Sep. 12) and in Cranbrook (Sep. 14) on Trauma Care in Home Share, designed to educate home share providers and community support professionals on ways to support individuals with disabilities who have experienced traumatic events.   See attached workshop information.

Registration is through Community Connections by Wednesday, September 7th, 2016.

Feel free to pass this information along to interested individuals!  We look forward to seeing many of you in September.

CCSS Trauma Care in Home Share Workshop CCSS Trauma Care in Home Share Workshop


Hi Everyone!

CCSS is hosting it’s 3rd Annual Float down the Slocan River. (see attached poster for details)

Everyone is Welcome. Employees, Home Share Providers, the People we support and families and friends of all.  Please join us…and pass this invitation along to others who may be interested in a relaxing and fun afternoon.

Hope to see many of you there!


16 08 31 Float the Slocan River

--   Vivienne Prather  Service Coordinator  Community Connections Support Services  (250) 304-4521

NELSON: Special Olympics Fundraiser – Aug 7th

Break out the cowboy boots, and grab your guitar!  In celebration of  the Special Olympics’ 29th Anniversary, join in for a Country Music Fundraiser at Rotary Lakeside Park in Nelson.  Festivities will run from 12 _2030006smPM – 7 PM on Sunday, August 7th.

If you are musically inclined, you can join in to showcase your talents by signing up between 12-3 pm.

Head out for a great afternoon in support of the Special Olympics!

For more information, contact Bill at 250-825-4715.

A great WE DAY BBQ!

Thanks to all who came out to celebrate a great WE DAY BBQ with us this year!  It was a fun-filled afternoon – check it out:

WE Day BBQ 2016 (1) WE Day BBQ 2016 (2) WE Day BBQ 2016 (3) WE Day BBQ 2016 (4) WE Day BBQ 2016 (5) WE Day BBQ 2016 (6) WE Day BBQ 2016 (7)

We look forward to seeing you all again next year!

KELOWNA: Art Gallery CONNECT – July 26th


There is still space available for participants in the Kelowna Art Gallery’s CONNECT session starting July 26 (next Tuesday)!  This session runs weekly through to August 30th on Tuesdays from 1:30-2:30 pm; cost is $10 for all 6 classes.

CPainterONNECT is a studio art program for adults with developmental disabilities that operates year-round in 6-week sessions with weekly classes where individuals can view and discuss works of art at the Gallery, meet local artists, and spend time making art in the Gallery’s studio space.  For more information see:
Interested participants can request a referral from CLBC (250-712-3610) and then contact Laura Wyllie, Public Programming Coordinator (250-762-2226 ext. 307) to have their name added to the list.  If you have questions, you can also contact Laura for more information.

PEACHLAND: Fishing Forever – July 23rd

Boulder Mountain CutthroatSee invitation (below) via Families In Touch (FIT) network and COPCS.

Fishing Forever 2016

Fishing Forever in Peachland on July 23rd.  It is a great activity for those who don’t get a chance to go fishing.

Date:  Saturday, July 23, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Location:  Heritage Park, Beach Avenue, Peachland

Event includes a BBQ, trophies and prizes. It is for anyone with a [disability] of all ages and everything is supplied.

More Information:

Al Springer (250.767.2287)

Reminder: TRAIL – CCSS WE DAY Picnic July 17th

American burger

Hey everyone, don’t miss out on the fun this weekend – join us on July 17th at the Birchbank Station Picnic Ground near Trail as CCSS celebrates WE DAY with a Picnic!  Burger, Hotdogs, coffee, tea, punch provided.  Feel free to bring a dish to share – salad? chips? dessert? etc?

Live music provided – feel free to bring an instrument, your voice, your dancing shoes, etc.

Do you have a hobby you would like to share?  Feel free to bring your –  artwork?  photography?  homemade crafts? etc?

Most important of all, bring yourselves, your support worker, Home Share Provider,  your friends and family…everyone welcome.

Looking forward to seeing many of you!

WE DAY poster-1

KELOWNA – Fit Families & Friends

FROM SOBC Virtual Kelowna Office: Please see the following message from SOBC Manager of Community Development Thompson-Okanagan Reanne Holden.

As a part of Special Olympics BC’s Healthy Communities initiatives, Kelowna athletes alongside their families and friends are invited to take part in a Fit Family and Friends project right here in our community!

This is a great opportunity for our athletes to get active with their family, friends and social supports. Together, the group takes part in a weekly walk, tracking kilometers as they go and then shares a healthy snack afterwards. The Fit Family and Friends program creates more opportunities for SOBC members to support athletes of all abilities and increase the entire group’s overall health in a fun, social setting!   Please see the attached PDF for more information on the Fit Family and Friends program and how to register your group.

Reanne Holden

Manager, Community Development – Thompson Okanagan

Special Olympics British Columbia

Tel 778-581-0511


pdf icon SOBCHealth_KelownaFitFamiliesFriendsPoster.pdf


Hi everyone!  Check out the info below and the attached invitation to the gala night opening of CoolArts’ Bio Diverse Ability Show taking place next month!

Hello Friends,

On Thursday, July 28th, from 6 – 8 p.m.,
the Vernon Public Art Gallery is hosting an opening reception
for Cool Arts Society’s BIO DIVERSE ABILITY show.

Please see the attached invite for details and feel free to share with friends.

Rena Warren
Executive Director
Cool Arts Society

Find us on Facebook
Twitter @coolartssociety