Remember Together, Apart…

Town of Devon, AB (website)

Hey everyone, as we observe Remembrance Day, let’s keep each other safe by staying apart. Consider watching ceremonies online, booking a time to visit the Okanagan Military Museum, or checking out more local information here:

You can visit the Legion website here to see other ways to support and observe Remembrance Day while keeping a safe social distance apart (at least 2m or 6 feet).

Celebrate Caregivers this Month!

Hey everyone, last month we celebrated Community Inclusion month…this month, we invite you to join us — and other organizations in North America! — in celebrating CAREGIVERS!

While the first Tuesday of April has been adopted as National Caregiver Day in Canada, we are having caregivers take over the month of November on our blog — you can expect to see posts each week with Great News! that recognize and feature caregivers, training opportunities and resources, Frequently Asked Questions (and a summary of answers) and suggested topics!

To start us off, we are featuring the Caregivers Resource Expo — where you can find resources under the topics of connecting, empowering, and supporting caregivers — on the Carers Canada webpage. Check it out and pass it on!

COVID-19 Updates

Hey everyone, there have been changes to COVID-19 restrictions in our province this week — this news article explains a bit about these new provincial restrictions, and gives a good ‘overview’ on where the province sits as it relates to stats on COVID-19 cases. Many thanks to Jackie for passing this along!
