We Heard You…

We asked for your feedback at our WE DAY BBQs – and WE HEARD YOU!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Focus Groups!  You gave us valuable feedback on 3 Things We Do Well, 3 Things We Could Do Better, and 3 Things You’d Like to Do (or Learn).

We have this info compiled, and we have shared it with you on our We Heard You… webpage – click below to check it out!

We will keep you updated with ‘what we do’ next…stay tuned!




SPOTLIGHT: CLBC magazine “Celebrate Diverse ABILITIES”

Hey everyone!

CLBC has launched the Summer 2018 Edition of its magazine, “Celebrate Diverse ABILITIES” – and the theme is Pride in my Identity!  Check out the authors’ personal stories on what makes them proud to be who they are.  Thanks to Jackie for sharing!

Info on this edition of the magazine is here and you can check out the PDF version of the magazine here:


We Heard You…

We asked for your feedback at our WE DAY BBQs – and WE HEARD YOU!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Focus Groups!  You gave us valuable feedback on 3 Things We Do Well, 3 Things We Could Do Better, and 3 Things You’d Like to Do (or Learn).

We have this info compiled, and we have shared it with you on our We Heard You… webpage – click below to check it out!

We will keep you updated with ‘what we do’ next…stay tuned!


VERNON: FASD Conference (Sep. 6-7)

Thanks to our colleagues at the Central Okanagan Professional Caregivers Society (COPCS) for letting us know that there is an FASD Conference taking place in Vernon this September 6th and 7th, 2018.  Click here for information.

If you’re interested in the topics that will be covered by each presenter, you can find this information here.

For the registration form, click here.

Planning to go?  Leave us a comment!

SPOTLIGHT: Wildfire preparedness – NELSON

The summer weather is getting hotter – and the means we are heading into wildfire season.  Our Health and Safety Coordinator (Teresa Delorie) found some additional information and resources, and we are sharing them with everyone who may benefit from the information.  Check out the links in the email excerpt, below.
Do you have questions about emergency preparedness?  Leave us a comment.

Our Health and Safety Coordinator (Teresa Delorie) let me know of some news that she heard on her local radio station this morning regarding fire season and I thought I’d pass along the info and links. 
This link is to the news broadcast which suggests that Nelson, B.C. is one of the highest ‘at risk’ cities in BC for wildfire this year
This link is to the Nelson website that provides for an easy sign-up to receive emergency alerts in the Nelson area.
Please feel free to pass along to all staff and HSPs in that area or who may be affected.

Virus-free. www.avast.com


CLBC has just launched their new website!  Check it out, and let them know what you think.

Community Living BC (CLBC) has launched a new website at www.communitylivingbc.ca. It aims to make it easier for individuals and families to find answers. Visit the site, and let us know what you think by sending an email to CLBCInfo@gov.bc.ca.

The new website, which can be read from your mobile phone and tablet, is organized around three questions: “Who does CLBC support?”, “What support is available?” and “How do I get support?” It includes sections like “How do I get started” and “Meet a CLBC facilitator” and each top level page has a “What this page says” plain language summary.

The website has more information about how to get support, including the welcome and planning steps, options for connecting to community and CLBC services, and how CLBC works.

You can expect to find:

  • simplified navigation
  • an interactive office locator map
  • accessibility tools
  • an upgraded News & Stories section

You can learn more about how individuals and families helped to build this site here.


Email CLBCInfo@gov.bc.ca if you have any questions about the site, need help finding information, or see a problem. Thank you.

Virus-free. www.avast.com

SPOTLIGHT: WE Day Focus Groups!

You’re invited to our WE Day Focus Group!

Community Connections is committed to using feedback from our stakeholders – that means YOU! – to make our programs and services better.  We want to give you more opportunities to tell us what works, what doesn’t, and what you’d like to see happen next.

Our WE Day Focus Groups are open to all – anyone attending WE Day can stop by our Focus Group.  See Jane at Birchbank Station Picnic Grounds, or see the Community Support team at Mission Creek Pavilion.

We would love to hear from you:

  • 3 things we do well
  • 3 things we could do better
  • 3 things you’d like to do (or learn!)

There will be a prize draw for all Focus Group participants to enter!  If you’re heading to the Kelowna WE Day, check out more information here.  If you’re heading to the West Kootenays WE Day, check out more information here.

Can’t make it to WE Day?  Send us your feedback any time: jane@commconn.ca 


SPOTLIGHT: WE Day Focus Groups!

You’re invited to our WE Day Focus Group!

Community Connections is committed to using feedback from our stakeholders – that means YOU! – to make our programs and services better.  We want to give you more opportunities to tell us what works, what doesn’t, and what you’d like to see happen next.

Our WE Day Focus Groups are open to all – anyone attending WE Day can stop by our Focus Group.  See Jane at Birchbank Station Picnic Grounds, or see the Community Support team at Mission Creek Pavilion.

We would love to hear from you:

  • 3 things we do well
  • 3 things we could do better
  • 3 things you’d like to do (or learn!)

There will be a prize draw for all Focus Group participants to enter!  If you’re heading to the Kelowna WE Day, check out more information here.  If you’re heading to the West Kootenays WE Day, check out more information here.

Can’t make it to WE Day?  Send us your feedback any time: jane@commconn.ca 

You’re Invited – CCSS Community BBQ!

It is that time of year again – Community Connections is hosting its annual Community BBQ in Cranbrook (July 5) and Creston (July 4), check out these posters for info!  We will be having our BBQ and also offering information about Home Share.  Come out and enjoy the weather, meet our Home Share Coordinators, connect with the program Service Coordinator (Ken) and have a great time.  We hope to see you there!

SPOTLIGHT: Free online education resource!

We just heard about a resource that offers free online education – and we want to tell you about it!

This resource is from Australia, and now includes a module out on supporting mental health in people with developmental disabilities and Autism.  There is a section specifically for caregivers of folks with developmental disabilities and mental health needs as well.

You can click here for its permanent location on our Materials and Education page, or you can check it out directly at this link:  https://www.idhealtheducation.edu.au/
