NEW RDSP and Disability Tax Credit Program

Questions?There are new ways you can get connected with help to set up your RDSP and Disability Tax Credit!

Check out the info in this DABC bulletin:

Dear Community Partner,

Please see attached a community update about a new program at DABC to help people with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and the RDSP. We’re working with Plan Institute and BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society to help people open an RDSP.

Best regards,  Jane Dyson


Is this info helpful?  Let us know in the comments!


Cold and Flu season is here!  The best way to stay healthy is to wash your hands – click here for Interior Health’s tips to stop the spread of germs:  16-10-18-ih-hand-washing

Also, if you qualify for a flu shot, the Interior Health flu clinics start the week of November 1st.  Check out this page to find a clinic – thanks to Margaret Milsom for this resource:

You can also click here to read FLU FAQ:  16-10-18-flu-faq-visitors

UBC OKANAGAN: Family Governance Workshop – Oct. 27-29th

Check out the Family Governance workshop being offered at UBCO!  Thanks to Assunta Rosal (MSW, RSW) for passing on this info.  See below.

My name is Assunta Rosal, I am a parent of a young adult with Intellectual Disabilities who is transitioning out of the school system (SD #23) and into adulthood.  I am also a recent graduate of the UBC Okanagan Masters of Social Work program.  

I am on a committee that has organized a Family Governance conference at UBC Okanagan.  This is a model of service delivery that works towards increased flexibility. This conference is directed at parents looking for supports for their young adult children that are more innovative inclusive, client-centred and family supported and/or self-advocates who want to have more input into shaping their lives. I have attached the program agenda for your perusal. We want to get the word out to parents and self- advocates through out our region. Please feel free to share this with any of your contacts!

The conference costs $50.00 (this covers refreshments and lunch).  There is a speaker on the evening of the 27th who is a parent/advocate with 20 years’ experience in Family Governance – this part of the program is paid for by CLBC Community Councils South & North Okanagan and is free to parents.

Planning on going?  Leave us a comment!

pdf icon Creating-the-Life-You-Want-Conference-Flyer-Sept-30.pdf

Home Adaptations for Independence

wheelchair accessThe Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program is offered through BC Housing.  Its aim is to provide funding to help low-income seniors and people with disabilities continue to live at home, longer.

Adaptations can be for accessibility, safety, comfort, and keeping independence.  The program website has info for homeowners, for landlords / tenants, testimonials, and FAQs.

Visit the program website here:


Google has released a series of five short videos with tips for online safety – we have added these videos to our Health and Safety resources page.  Click here to check out these and other resources on our page, or you can find them here on YouTube.

The Google Safety Centre is also a great resource for learning how to be safe online – click here to check it out.



Google has released a series of five short videos with tips for online safety – we have added these videos to our Materials and Education resources page.  Click here to check out these and other resources on our page, or you can find them here on YouTube.

The Google Safety Centre is also a great resource for learning how to be safe online – click here to check it out.
