Choir! Choir! Choir! – Choir!ntine!

Hey everyone:

This is a great news story – Choir! Choir! Choir! is a group of ‘flash mob’ singers where a pile of people gather at a club or a bar to sing a song or two – I can’t personally wait for this COVID quarantine to be over to go somewhere they are singing to participate. Plus… they’re CANADIAN…!

Some of my favourites: Choir! Choir! Choir! with Rick Astley, Rufus Wainwright, The Barenaked Ladies and Colin Hay.

The two main guys in Choir! Choir! Choir! have set up a couple of sing-a-longs – this is a great way to sing with them and hopefully add a little music to our lives. See the one below and… stay safe!


coping photo

Hi Everyone:

Sue C (one of our team in the Kootenays – thanks Sue!) passed along this resource opportunity for anyone who’s experiencing anxiety with regard to this set of circumstances that we’re all going through. If you know anyone who is struggling, this might be a great opportunity. It’s free and online so most people should be able to participate.

Check it out here.

Stay safe!
