End of an Era…

Hey everyone, as you’ve probably heard, as of tomorrow (May 15th) we will no longer be providing our community support services in Kelowna.  This is a bittersweet moment for us, as this decision was not made lightly, and we have many fond memories of the community support program over the years.

So, today, we are celebrating! We are celebrating all of the wonderful people we have supported. We are celebrating all of the wonderful employees that we have worked with as we have provided supports. We are celebrating all of the achievements and memories that have come along with our time providing these services.

As we mark 30 years providing support in our communities, we are grateful that we have had all the opportunities and experiences in community support with you along the way. We remember with joy all the Naramata retreats, the Canucks trips and the sports games, the road trips and the beach days. We remember with pride supporting and celebrating community living month with our friends and colleagues at Pathways. We remember with gratitude all those who participated, supported, and celebrated WE Days with us in Kelowna.

This is absolutely a big change.  It marks the end of an era in our agency’s history.  But, with every ending, comes a new beginning. We know that all the people we have supported will continue to make great memories and to explore new opportunities with whatever comes next.

Even though the time has come to wish everyone we supported in community support all the best, we will still be around in the community providing our other supports. We will also still be around on here, our own corner of the internet. We welcome you to drop us a line here any time, and you’re always welcome to leave comments for discussion.

Thank you all for being part of our community support here at Community Connections!


Jackie & Brian

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