![]() What’s On at the HSSSBCJuly 2024 Edition ![]() Home Sharing Board Vacancies About ![]() Co-operative Entrepreneur Training Program (CETP) Info ![]() Accessible Service Delivery Feedback Happy July to everyone in the Home Sharing community! We have been very busy at the HSSSBC planning events, speakers & opportunities for you to provide your input to make a difference in home sharing. HSSSBC Board of Directors is RecruitingDo you want serve your community by volunteering some of your time and expertise to a non-profit board supporting the disability sector? If you are a self-advocate, or have legal or accounting experience we would like to hear from you. The Home Sharing Support Society BC currently has opportunities to serve on our HSSSBC Board of Directors. Our mission is to enhance and support the sustainability and quality of home sharing and other housing options for adults with developmental disabilities throughout British Columbia. The Home Sharing Support Society BC works collaboratively with a cross-section of the Home Sharing community from across the province. This includes families, people in a home sharing arrangement, providers, those coordinating services, self-advocates, funders and other key community partners. Learn More About Us: https://homesharingbc.ca/about-us/ Co-operative Entrepreneur Training Program (CETP)Are you or someone you know gifted with an exceptional talent or business idea but face barriers to employment? Vancouver Island University offers a unique opportunity that might be the perfect fit. The Cooperative Entrepreneur Training Program (CETP) is designed to empower individuals with disabilities or other employment barriers to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality. CETP is an online program that equips you with crucial business skills needed to start and run your own business. This includes everything from business strategy and financial literacy to digital marketing. The program is tailored for Canadians over the age of 17 who have diversabilities or any barriers that hinder regular employment. Program Highlights: Flexible Online Delivery: Participate from anywhere in Canada. Mentorship: Get paired with experienced business owners who provide personalized guidance. Financial Support: Access multiple sources of funding to cover your program costs, with a safety net to withdraw without fees if funding isn’t secured. Learn more here! Check your Bias!The IAT measures the strength of associations between concepts (e.g., black people, gay people) and evaluations (e.g., good, bad) or stereotypes (e.g., athletic, clumsy). The main idea is that making a response is easier when closely related items share the same response key. When doing an IAT you are asked to quickly sort words into categories that are on the left and right hand side of the computer screen.Take your test here! Interesting StudyConscious and Unconscious Disability Attitudes In this study patterns of explicit (conscious) and implicit (unconscious) attitudes towards disability are examined. BC Government’s Accessibility Feedback ToolThe BC government is making it easier for people with disabilities to provide feedback on accessibility! They’ve launched an online tool to share your experiences with provincial government services. You can find it on the “Accessibility” link at the bottom of any government webpage, or directly at gov.bc.ca/accessibilityfeedback. And if you prefer, you can still provide feedback by email, phone, or mail. Accessible Service Delivery From May 31 to July 31 2024, people, organizations and industry groups within B.C. are invited to provide input on draft recommendations for Accessible Service Delivery and Employment Accessibility standards under the Accessible British Columbia Act. These recommendations will form the basis of future accessibility regulations in B.C. (source: https://engage.gov.bc.ca/accessiblebcactstandards/) |