From CLBC:
Dear CLBC service providers and home sharing providers –
We hope you have had a good summer. Please join our MS Teams update on Monday, September 12, 2022 to receive COVID-19 health and safety information from Dr. Daniele Behn Smith, Deputy Provincial Health Officer, as we prepare for the fall season.
In this meeting you will also hear an update from Ross Chilton, CEO of Community Living BC (CLBC). The MS Teams meeting will be moderated by Brenda Gillette, CEO of the BC CEO Network.
CLBC will use the online virtual meeting platform MS Teams for this update. People will still have the option to use a telephone to dial in.
Please use the following MS Teams link or call-in telephone numbers to join the call:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 223 694 243 43
Passcode: UBV87g
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 778-401-6289,,314469046# Canada, Victoria
Phone Conference ID: 314 469 046#
Find a local number | Reset PIN
Toll-free (audio only): 1-888-600-3289
Learn More | Meeting options
If you have questions or would like to receive an information sheet with instructions on how to use MS Teams, please contact CLBC.Events@gov.bc.ca.
Speakers on this call will include:
- Ross Chilton, CEO, Community Living BC
- Dr. Daniele Behn Smith, Deputy Provincial Health Officer
When: Monday, September 12
Time: 10 – 11 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time
Please send your questions for Dr. Behn Smith and CLBC by noon on Thursday, September 8 to CLBCInfo@gov.bc.ca with the subject line: SEPTEMBER COVID CALL.
If you are a home sharing coordinating agency, please pass this opportunity on to your home sharing providers.
We look forward to having you join us. For the latest information from CLBC, please visit our COVID-19 web page for service providers here.