Kelowna: Houses, Homes and Healing

COPCS is hosting a workshop in Kelowna called “Houses, Homes and Healing” with Bob Bowen

from the workshop abstract:

Workshop Abstract:

Sharing lives, supporting growth and creating communities that care, is more than just a mission statement. In our daily work, we provide care to people in home based services that go beyond simple “home care.” To do this requires a unique balance of compassion, professionalism, dedication and knowledge.

In this workshop, the presenter will support participants to turn houses into homes and care into compassion. At the end of the session, participants will have:

  • Gained an understanding of the ways in which our brains process information and guide our behaviour
  • Developed a model to strengthen the foundations of caregiving
  • Identified the “Four Walls of the House” needed to have a whole and happy life
  • Defined the terms used in Positive Behaviour Supports
  • Revisited our values and have a better understanding of why we do the work we do

for more information please see the workshop announcement below:

May 29, 2015 – Workshop Announcement-1

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