Fire Extinguishers!

Hi everyone!

Not all of us have had the chance to use a fire extinguisher in real life, but these devices are important safety equipment.  Using them to put out small fires can save lives!

That being said, arranging training on how to use them properly can be challenging.

So, we thought we would revive a previous post from our team (employee) website that included a training video — click here to check out the video, and please  share with others!

Is there specific training you think would be helpful to have?  Let us know in the comments!

Glenda’s First Horse Ride!


Great set of pics and story from Diane E about Glenda W’s trip to Arion Farms. Way to go Glenda! Diane writes:

Glenda W going for a ride

Last Friday we went to Arion farms, Glenda had expressed she wanted to go on a horse…This was her first time for her! She was so excited for weeks leading up to it! Was amazing to experience it with her!! Her caregivers came out to watch too.  
The reason this is so amazing is because when I first started supporting Glenda years ago, all she wanted to do was go for tea… the fact that she expressed herself that she wanted to go on a horse.. shocked me and her home share providers.. Glenda has grown so much over the years …
These moments remind me of why I love my job so much!! 
