Take care of yourself…

It can be tough to know how to take good care of your mental and physical health facing new challenges of life with COVID-19. The Government of Canada has a great website with helpful suggestions, and a reminder that it’s normal to feel afraid, stressed, or worried in a crisis.

Reach out if you need help “surfing” some different feelings!

If you want to take good care of yourself, but you’re not sure where to start, why not check out their suggestions for eating healthy meals – they’ve even got helpful videos! You could pick a new recipe with a friend, try making it for dinner next week, and video chat about it afterwards!

Your social distancing reminder of the week…

BC saw growth in COVID-19 cases over last weekend— which means it is more important than ever to keep following Dr. Bonnie Henry’s directions! Remember to stay at least 2m away from others not in your “bubble,” keep your “bubble” small, and wash your hands regularly!
