Important information on upcoming PWD shelter rate increases |
Hello Service Provider Colleagues, I am writing to you because your agency coordinates home sharing resources and/or staffed living services through contracts with CLBC. As I believe you are aware, Community Living BC has been working in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR) to confirm under what circumstances individuals on disability assistance who reside in home sharing and staffed living services will automatically receive the $125 shelter rate increase. The increase was announced in the B.C. Government’s budget in February 2023 and goes into effect on August 1, 2023. Under CLBC policy, the shelter increase will be passed on to the individual’s home sharing or staffed living provider. MSDPR will be providing a message to all individuals on disability assistance in early July via My Self Serve or mail. The letter will include the following statement: “Clients who reside in Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) contracted residential facilities will have their CLBC standardized rate automatically updated to include the increase and no action is required.” This means that if the individual has the standardized rate of $716 or $716.13 registered as their current rental expense, they will see that amount automatically increase to $841 or $841.13. If an individual does not receive the current standardized rate of $716 or $716.13 from the Ministry, they may need to update their information by completing a Shelter Information Form (HR3037) and submitting it through MSDPR’s My Self Serve system at Myselfserve.gov.bc.ca, or in an MSDPR office. If an individual is not sure what their current shelter allowance is, they can check My Self Serve, review their last direct deposit cheque statement or review their cheque stub if they receive a paper cheque from the Ministry. When completing the Shelter Information form (HR3037), in the section titled “Type of Rental Accommodation”, they should check “D. Other” and please specify “CLBC Home Share Provider”. In the section titled “Accommodation Information”, they should include the new Total Rent of the Unit (i.e., $841.13). In the first couple of weeks of July, CLBC will be sending you a list from MSDPR of individuals who are receiving home support services through your agency and who do not have the standardized rates registered with MSDPR. Because of the tight turnaround time before disability assistance is disbursed, we recommend that if individuals know they have non-standardized rates, they update their shelter information with MSDPR by July 10 or sooner. If an individual is unable to make that timeframe, the Ministry can process their shelter information form anytime and issue a separate payment for the August benefit month based on the individual’s form confirming the change happened for August 1, 2023. Thanks in advance for your assistance in communicating with individuals, their families and their home support providers to ensure they are fully aware of these changes to their shelter rate and what steps they may need to take to receive it. Individuals with questions about the shelter increases should be directed to MSDPR through My Self Serve or, where the individual is not registered for My Self Serve, by contacting the Ministry at 1-866-866-0800. Sincerely, John Stinson VP, Service Delivery and Innovation Community Living BC |