The topics and guest speakers are as follows:
1. Neurobiology of Attachment Workshop– June 18 – Deanne Leung & Jody Bekhuys (Stepping Stones Counselling Group)
It’s common for the individuals we assist to have attachment injury. This workshop will give us insight on what attachment
is and more importantly how to build strategies for attachment repair. Caregivers often struggle with attachment, which
leads to placement breakdown.
2. Strategic Inclusive Training for Emergencies – June 23 – Karen Martin (Disability Alliance BC)
This will be the first emergency training offered specific to home share providers needs and responsibilities for the individuals they support. Knowledge for emergency situations is critical for everyone’s safety.
Please forward this training information to any other service providers who may benefit in attending.
* These workshops are offered at no cost to home share providers
Margaret Milsom 778-753-2625