Denise Bissonnette Employment Workshop

From Denai Christenson, CLBC:

 Good Afternoon,

The YMCA of Okanagan with the support of CLBC is thrilled to extend this invitation to agencies who are involved in assisting individuals with barriers to achieve their dreams and find their place in the work world. This 2 day employment training workshop will take place on March 30th and 31st at the Ramada Hotel and Conference Centre in Kelowna from 9:00am to 4:00pm. The presenter is Denise Bissonnette, an internationally renowned writer, trainer, and keynote speaker. She has inspired people and organizations throughout North America to look beyond traditional concepts of job development and to craft livelihoods rooted in the individual genius of each person. She has authored several publications on creative job development, state of the art job search techniques, the cultivation of the human spirit, and how to “shine” on the job. Her book Beyond Traditional Job Development: The Art of Creating Opportunity is considered the definitive text in employment programs and university classrooms throughout North America.

There is a flyer attached with more information regarding the details of this employment workshop and how to register.

Thanks and I hope to see you there,


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