The latest news from the Family Support Institute of BC is here, check it out.
The latest news from the Family Support Institute of BC is here, check it out.
…is the Very Merry Live-Stream taking place tonight! Connect, be merry, and be safe!
Hey everyone, the next teleconference call for service providers and Home Share Providers with Dr. Behn Smith will be Dec 8th:
Date: December 8, 2020
Time: 1 – 2:15 p.m.
Call in: Vancouver 604-681-0260, Elsewhere 1-877-353-9184
Participant code: 37568#
Hey everyone, if you’re interested in Foodsafe Level 1, Kim has a class coming up on Dec 14th (assuming no further regulatory changes) at the Kanata Kelowna Hotel starting at 8:30am. Contact Kim for info: Kimberley Cresswell (FOODSAFE Level 1 Certified Instructor) at kcresswell@shaw.ca or call 250.863.8112.
Hey everyone, there is a webinar coming up on Monday, November 30, 2020 from 2-3:30 PM (EST) all about Person-Centered Supports for People with Dementia Living in the Community. To register, click here. More info below!
Panelists will discuss their personal and professional experiences with dementia, along with individual, community, and system level approaches to make supports for people with dementia more person-centered. Participants will learn about the definition of person-centered thinking, planning, and practice, and will hear the panelists answer questions such as: What do person-centered dementia supports look like to you? What are community approaches to support people living with dementia in a person-centered way?
Hey everyone, as we observe Remembrance Day, let’s keep each other safe by staying apart. Consider watching ceremonies online, booking a time to visit the Okanagan Military Museum, or checking out more local information here:
You can visit the Legion website here to see other ways to support and observe Remembrance Day while keeping a safe social distance apart (at least 2m or 6 feet).
Hey everyone, last month we celebrated Community Inclusion month…this month, we invite you to join us — and other organizations in North America! — in celebrating CAREGIVERS!
While the first Tuesday of April has been adopted as National Caregiver Day in Canada, we are having caregivers take over the month of November on our blog — you can expect to see posts each week with Great News! that recognize and feature caregivers, training opportunities and resources, Frequently Asked Questions (and a summary of answers) and suggested topics!
To start us off, we are featuring the Caregivers Resource Expo — where you can find resources under the topics of connecting, empowering, and supporting caregivers — on the Carers Canada webpage. Check it out and pass it on!
Hey everyone, we wanted to say HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND to you all! Please remember to be safe and healthy while you are “doing your thing” — whether “your thing” is Halloween, Dia de Los Muertos, or something else entirely!
Don’t forget about the Spook-tacular Live-Stream happening tonight, or the Virtual Halloween Dance happening tomorrow!
No matter what you’re celebrating (safely) this weekend, send us a picture of how you “made it great” and we’ll post it next week!
Hey everyone, just a reminder that Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends this weekend on Sunday! Since this change happens in the wee hours of the morning on November 1st, you might want to change your clocks (if needed) the night before, when you go to bed.