Hi everyone – the Community Living Month Inclusion Chain has been re-scheduled for this Wednesday (October 17th) at 10:00am at City Hall. Feel free to distribute the flyer attached to all who may be interested! Thank you. See you on Wednesday at City Hall!
COMMUNITY LIVING MONTH Inclusion Chain – CCSS & Pathways
Hi All,
We are pleased to be in collaboration with Pathways to host this year’s Inclusion Chain event together on October 2nd at City Hall in celebration of Community Living Month! We welcome all Community Connections Support Services employees, management, contractors, families and all people we support, and community members and partners to come and show your support. All are welcome! We will have our banner and brochures available for anyone needing information about support services. Please spread the word – event info attached.
See you there!
Celebrate Community Living Month with Us!
Hi Everyone!
Join us in the Pumpkin Patch!
When : October 13 from 3:00 til 5:00 pm
Where: McMillan Farms at 3690 Berard Rd #1 in Kelowna (easy to find!)
Cost: For the participation in the activities the cost is approximately $6.00 per person
RSVP: Please let us know if you will be attending by no later than October 4, 2018 so we can plan for refreshments! Email or call Karen Milner or Brenda Brown.
FREE Fall Webinars about Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning!
Hey everyone, did you know that Plan Institute is currently developing a new Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning webinar?
With the support of Law Foundation of BC, Plan Institute will be offering 4 FREE sessions (see dates below) during the pilot phase of this project. These free sessions are available to residents of BC living outside of the Lower Mainland.
Fall 2018 Webinar Dates:
September 20th, 2018 | 7pm-8pm
October 18th, 2018 | 10am-11am
November 5th, 2018 | 7pm-8pm
November 19th, 2018 | 10am-11am
To register or to learn more, click here: https://planinstitute.ca/learning-centre/wte-webinar/
Confused about financial and estate planning? Leave a comment with your biggest questions!
SIGN UP for MANDT Training in Trail!
Don’t forget to sign up for Mandt training in Trail with our very own Sue Clark!
SPOTLIGHT: MANDT Training Week – Aug. 20-23
Community Connections is very proud to be offering the Mandt System training during the week of August 20-23, 2018, to our residential support workers and our contracted Home Share Providers in Kelowna. Click here for Mandt Week info! This training is presented by our very own certified Mandt Instructor, Joel Gunther (Service Coordinator).
We know that this is a time of year where there is lots to do outside, vacations happening, and travelling to visit family and friends. So, to be as flexible as possible and accommodate as many Home Share Providers’ busy schedules as we can, Joel is offering two days for the “relational” skills training section (August 22nd and 23rd). Home Share Providers would only need to attend one of those days, in order to complete the “relational” skills training.
If you are a CCSS Home Share Provider and interested in this training, contact Joel (250-491-2907) by FRIDAY, AUGUST 10th, to reserve a spot.
Joel is looking forward to meeting everyone during this exciting week of training!
Not sure what this is all about? No problem! Leave us a comment, or check out The Mandt System’s great website here.
VERNON: FASD Conference (Sep. 6-7)
Thanks to our colleagues at the Central Okanagan Professional Caregivers Society (COPCS) for letting us know that there is an FASD Conference taking place in Vernon this September 6th and 7th, 2018. Click here for information.
If you’re interested in the topics that will be covered by each presenter, you can find this information here.
For the registration form, click here.
Planning to go? Leave us a comment!
SLOCAN RIVER FLOAT – Join us! (Aug. 24)

Join us for our SLOCAN RIVER FLOAT as we cool off from the summer heat!
On August 24th, CCSS is floating down the Slocan River again! This is another great opportunity to connect, relax, and have some fun in the summer sun. You can float down this part of the Slocan River however you please – inner tube, dinghy, air mattress, life jacket and flippers, canoe or kayak!
Please join us – and we look forward to seeing you on August 24th! See attached poster.
Planning to float? Leave us a comment!
SPOTLIGHT: WE Day Focus Groups!
You’re invited to our WE Day Focus Group!
Community Connections is committed to using feedback from our stakeholders – that means YOU! – to make our programs and services better. We want to give you more opportunities to tell us what works, what doesn’t, and what you’d like to see happen next.
Our WE Day Focus Groups are open to all – anyone attending WE Day can stop by our Focus Group. See Jane at Birchbank Station Picnic Grounds, or see the Community Support team at Mission Creek Pavilion.
We would love to hear from you:
- 3 things we do well
- 3 things we could do better
- 3 things you’d like to do (or learn!)
There will be a prize draw for all Focus Group participants to enter! If you’re heading to the Kelowna WE Day, check out more information here. If you’re heading to the West Kootenays WE Day, check out more information here.
Can’t make it to WE Day? Send us your feedback any time: jane@commconn.ca
JOIN US – CCSS WE Day 2018!
It is nearly time for our annual WE Day celebrations and we want to invite YOU to join us for a day of fun, food, and fantastic company!
On Friday, July 6th, come down to Birchbank Station Picnic grounds (between Castlegar and Trail) or saunter over to Mission Creek Pavilion in Kelowna.
RSVP for our Kelowna WE Day here: https://goo.gl/gDCVzh
We have great games, activities, and prizes planned! We are also asking anyone with a tasty favourite recipe to bring us a copy at WE Day – we will put all submitted recipes together for a CCSS community cookbook!
See you on July 6th!