We Voted!

Hey everyone!

Check out the coolest pics of the gang in Trail off to cast their vote. Did you? What an interesting election it was.

See you out there…!

Our 5th (!) CARF Survey…!

Hey Everyone:

Our intrepid reporter, Amit Ghosh, got a chance to sit down with Linda Siino from CARF to talk about accreditation, CARF and how it impacts Community Connections Support Services. Linda, Colleen and Paul (in the West Kootenays) were here the week before last surveying the organization.

More info about CARF is here. Check out the video below and hit us up with any other questions you may have. Thanks to Amit, Linda and Kathy for making this happen.


Hey everyone:

Just thought I would pass along this fantastic pic from Chris’s birthday party. Looks like everybody had a blast! Thanks so much to Brenda (on the left) or organizing!

Happy birthday Chris…!
