VANCOUVER: FASD – Strategies Workshop – Nov. 28-29

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is one of the most prevalent brain-based disabilities in our society. There is a growing need for caregivers to acquire increased knowledge and practical skills to support children, adults and families living with FASD. This workshop will propose 5 pillars for success when supporting individuals with FASD. These include a focus on Strengths, Healthy Relationships, Promoting FASD Self Awareness, Adaptations Strategies and Team Based Support. Participants will transfer newfound knowledge about FASD into practical and meaningful ways to try differently not harder in their support of individuals, families and communities affected by FASD.

SPOTLIGHT: Trauma Informed Practise Workshops

There are workshops being offered in communities around the Province on Trauma Informed Practise – check it out!

WEBINAR: Future Planning Tips – Sep. 28th

Webinar: Future planning tips for people with disabilities and those who support them
Thursday, Sept 28, 2017 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PST

If you have a disability or support a person who does, you can join a free webinar on September 28, 2017 from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (EST)/ 10:00 am -11:30 am (PST) to learn how planning for a good life can lead to achieving greater peace of mind about the present.

Brendon Pooran, Founder and principal lawyer, PooranLaw Professional Corporation; Ted Kuntz, Chair, Board of Directors of Plan Institute; and Tom O’Dwyer, Lead tax advisor, Ability Tax and Trust Advisors will share their experiences and professional insights from their work in this area.

This webinar is hosted by Plan Institute and Prosper Canada and will benefit persons living with disabilities, their family members, caregivers, and service providers.
*Currently serving residents in British Columbia and Ontario


NELSON: Trauma & Addiction Workshop – Jun 1st

Hey everyone!

The Nelson CARES Society has circulated info (see attached) about a workshop on Trauma and Addiction with Dr. Ross Laird this Thursday from 9 AM to 12 PM at the Prestige Lakeside Resort & Convention Centre (701 Lakeside Drive, Nelson).  Tickets are $15; for more info call 250-352-6011.

Plan to go?  Leave us a comment!

WEBINAR: Role of Trustee – May 16th

The Family Support Institute is partnering with KMK Law Corporation to put on a free webinar on May 16th – check out the info below and their poster!

Please see the attached poster (or below) for FSI’s next upcoming webinar on “Role of Trustee” set for May 16 at 6:30pm.  This is a follow up webinar to the one we held last month on “Disability Estates and Planning” and will be presented by Ken Kramer.   Simply click on the image below to register.  Please post and share with your networks!    Thank you.

pdf icon A-Role-of-A-Trustee-FINAL-flyer-Reduced-size.pdf

OKANAGAN: Free training – May/June 2017

Don’t forget to check out the info from posAbilities (below, with poster) about free training sessions being offered to families, caregivers and support staff!

We are pleased to present the 2017 Orientation for Support Network Members. This is part of CLBC’s ongoing goal of increasing capacity in the region by supporting local service providers to expand  the skills and knowledge to provide for the behaviour support needs of individuals with difficult and serious behaviour challenges (as defined in CLBC Policy Document).


Please see attached flyer for full details and information regarding registration.  These free sessions are open to families, caregivers and support staff Please distribute amongst your network as appropriate.  We will be holding 2 sessions in both Kelowna and Penticton.  These sessions are open to approximately 30 people per session.  Light snacks and beverages will be provided.  Attendees are welcome to bring in additional food for lunch.
The topics include:
  • Person Centered Thinking
  • Positive Behaviour Support

pdf icon Orientation-for-Support-Network-Members-South-Central-Okanagan-2017.pdf
