Your social distancing reminder…

…is an online Family Support Institute (FSI) event that takes place every Monday at 6:30 pm on Zoom! Check out RECIPE FOR RESPITE and connect with others safely online!

What’s your Recipe for Respite? COVID is still here. And families need a break to stay safe and strong. We’re interested in learning about and sharing what families are already doing to get a break, as well as understanding the unique ingredients still needed to make respite a reality. Please join our discussion circle about how we can work together for families and their loved ones to have a safe and helpful break from the significant and daily stresses going on right now.

Free Planning Tool – myBooklet BC

The Family Support Institute (FSI) is holding an information session on February 16th at 6:30 pm about how to use a free online planning tool called myBooklet BC. This tool – myBooklet BC – can be used to store and share a personalized information booklet full of strengths, goals, gifts, and more…consider participating if you want to:

  • learn the basic functions of myBooklet BC
  • learn tips to make using myBooklet BC easier (like formatting information)
  • learn many different ways myBooklet can be used for the individual’s benefit

VIDEO: Transit Training

Hey everyone, the City of Kelowna has released an on-demand video that helps viewers learn how to take transit within the Kelowna Regional Transit System (Lake Country to Peachland). It covers how to access and use fares, board and ride the bus, read schedules and use trip planning tools. You can access the free video by filling out an online registration form at  Registration ensures their staff can provide essential additional resources and a complimentary transit fare product.

Here is some more information from the City:

The video is part of a suite of public education materials created for the City’s pilot Transit Travel Training Program. Offered by the City of Kelowna in partnership with BC Transit and Central Okanagan Public Schools, the program is made possible with grant funding provided by the BC Ministry of Health. The pilot aims to test a program delivery model to reduce barriers that youth and older adults may face in taking transit. 

For more information about the program, visit, email or call 1-800-469-7830. 

Your social distancing reminder of the week…

…comes with an invitation to join in upcoming online events hosted by the Family Support Institute! Check it out!

Upcoming FSIBC Zoom Conversations
Our Zoom conversations are a safe space for families and caregivers to come together for support, camaraderie, inspiration, trouble-shooting, and sharing what’s hard. Some of these sessions are by theme/topic and others are for general conversation and engagement. Whatever you might be feeling right now — overwhelmed, sadness, fear, anxiety — you are not alone.

You can also subscribe to their newsletter by clicking here.

TRAINING: Plan Institute

Hey all, the winter online training sessions presented by Plan Institute were listed in their newsletter and include:

  • the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
  • Wills, Trusts, & Estate Planning (For BC residents)
  • Personal Support Network Facilitation

And many other resources, like their 5-part webinar series designed to help people facing social isolation stay connected. You can get more information about everything they have on offer on their website.

TRAINING: LINK Healthy Relationships

Hey everyone, posAbilities is offering free, online (Zoom) LINK Healthy Relationships training in the South Okanagan area this Winter. The LINK! curriculum provides relevant sexual health information and focuses on a variety of topics including:

  • Knowing Your Rights, Consent, and the Law
  • The Basics (Anatomy, Public vs. Private)
  • Different Types of Touch and Trusted People
  • Self-Care
  • Gender and Identity
  • Relationships and Decision Making
  • Online Safety and Pornography
  • Dating and Break-Ups
  • Thinking about Sex (Determining “Readiness”, Types of Sexual Activity)
  • Safer Sex (STIs and Contraception)

Check out the attached info and contact them to register online!
