TRAINING: Plan Institute

Hey all, the winter online training sessions presented by Plan Institute were listed in their newsletter and include:

  • the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
  • Wills, Trusts, & Estate Planning (For BC residents)
  • Personal Support Network Facilitation

And many other resources, like their 5-part webinar series designed to help people facing social isolation stay connected. You can get more information about everything they have on offer on their website.

TRAINING: LINK Healthy Relationships

Hey everyone, posAbilities is offering free, online (Zoom) LINK Healthy Relationships training in the South Okanagan area this Winter. The LINK! curriculum provides relevant sexual health information and focuses on a variety of topics including:

  • Knowing Your Rights, Consent, and the Law
  • The Basics (Anatomy, Public vs. Private)
  • Different Types of Touch and Trusted People
  • Self-Care
  • Gender and Identity
  • Relationships and Decision Making
  • Online Safety and Pornography
  • Dating and Break-Ups
  • Thinking about Sex (Determining “Readiness”, Types of Sexual Activity)
  • Safer Sex (STIs and Contraception)

Check out the attached info and contact them to register online!


Hey everyone, if you’re interested in Foodsafe Level 1, Kim has a class coming up on Dec 14th (assuming no further regulatory changes) at the Kanata Kelowna Hotel starting at 8:30am. Contact Kim for info: Kimberley Cresswell (FOODSAFE Level 1 Certified Instructor) at or call 250.863.8112.

WEBINAR: Supports for People with Dementia

Hey everyone, there is a webinar coming up on Monday, November 30, 2020 from 2-3:30 PM (EST) all about Person-Centered Supports for People with Dementia Living in the Community. To register, click here. More info below!

Panelists will discuss their personal and professional experiences with dementia, along with individual, community, and system level approaches to make supports for people with dementia more person-centered. Participants will learn about the definition of person-centered thinking, planning, and practice, and will hear the panelists answer questions such as: What do person-centered dementia supports look like to you? What are community approaches to support people living with dementia in a person-centered way?

Celebrate Caregivers this Month!

Hey everyone, last month we celebrated Community Inclusion month…this month, we invite you to join us — and other organizations in North America! — in celebrating CAREGIVERS!

While the first Tuesday of April has been adopted as National Caregiver Day in Canada, we are having caregivers take over the month of November on our blog — you can expect to see posts each week with Great News! that recognize and feature caregivers, training opportunities and resources, Frequently Asked Questions (and a summary of answers) and suggested topics!

To start us off, we are featuring the Caregivers Resource Expo — where you can find resources under the topics of connecting, empowering, and supporting caregivers — on the Carers Canada webpage. Check it out and pass it on!

Community Inclusion Month!

Hey everyone, October is Community Inclusion Month! With the ongoing response to COVID-19, we are celebrating a little differently this year — check out Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran as he proclaims October Community Inclusion Month, an event that has in past years included the Pathways Inclusion Chain:

How are you celebrating Community Inclusion Month this year? Let us know in the comments!

Upcoming Virtual Training – Mental Health, COVID-19, and Health & Wellbeing Conference!

Hey everyone, don’t miss out on these upcoming training opportunities!

October 22 – November 26, 2020
Thursdays from 1:30-3:30 PM EST
Let’s Learn Research
Join a virtual course for adults with developmental disabilities to learn about mental health research. Let’s Learn Research is led by researchers at the Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre and will run every Thursday from October 22 to November 26 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.


November 3 – December 8, 2020
Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30 PM EST
Mental Health for adults with developmental disabilities during COVID
The Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre at CAMH is hosting a new virtual course beginning November 3, 2020. This course is for family caregivers of adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD). The curriculum will specifically address the mental health challenges that this population can face during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here for more info

November 26-27, 2020
7th Biennial Conference on Developmental Disabilities: Health and Wellbeing across the Lifespan VIRTUAL CONFERENCE
Online registration is now OPEN, Early Bird Registration available until October 30th.

The term developmental disabilities (DD) refers to people with intellectual disability, autism spectrum, fetal alcohol spectrum and related neurodevelopmental genetic syndromes. Children, youth, and adults with DD are vulnerable to high rates of general health and mental health concerns. This interactive 2020 conference will focus on practical strategies to optimize the quality of life for people with DD. Our goal is to help clinicians and caregivers learn effective ways to work with people with DD, and their families, in partnership to improve their quality of life experience. The conference will also provide educational and informative psychiatric, behavioural, mental health, and complex physical health updates specific to people with DD, and showcase best practices in the field. This conference will engage health care providers and educators from a wide range of professional disciplines in knowledge transfer and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Please note that the conference is scheduled to run from 8:30am – 12:30 pm PST / 11:30 – 3:30pm EST (-/+ 30 minutes) from November 26-27, 2020. The registration fee includes access to the conference portal for the days registered, as well as viewing of all session recordings for two weeks after the conference adjourns.

Click here for more info