Trail: CLBC Month Celebration!

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October 24th 2015
CLBC Month Celebration in Trail

You are invited to attend a live performance by Silver City limitless Theater Company (SCLTC) at the Charles Baily theatre in Trail to celebrate CLBC Month.
The SCLTC is made up of individuals who receive services from Trail Association for Community Living (TACL) and Career Development Services (CDS) Trail. With support received from Columbia Basin Trust, TACL, CDS and Community Living BC, the theatre company is producing its largest show yet. This original hour and half show entitled ” Variety is the Spice of life” will showcase the theatrical talents of individuals with varying abilities. Be prepared to be wowed!!!!

As we get closer to September and program planning takes place, I would ask that you spread the word amongst your community and attend the performance as a group. To facilitate members of neighbouring CLBC communities attending, the show has been scheduled for 2pm October 24th. Make a special event of it.
This will be the third original show performed by SCLTC. To see their previous productions check them out on your Facebook page at Silver City Limitless Theatre Company.
As we get closer to the date we will send out ticket details. For further details contact Helen at 250 -231 – 4178.

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