Hi all:
It is with a heavy heart that we let you know that all group events (community support, etc) are cancelled until further notice.
Notes going forward:
- CSWs will make individual appointments (1:1) with people on their caseloads who would be most negatively affected by going without support
- Please be mindful of where you go (no public spaces (malls, fitness facilities, etc) except a walk at the park, etc) – safe, wide open spaces only.
- Wash your hands and encourage the person we support (PS) to wash theirs often
- If the PS or their CSW are unwell or there is a risk of exposure, err on the side of caution and cancel the appointment
- Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help
- Keep an eye on our website for any info that we come across that may help. (direct link: https://commconn.ca/category/coronavirus-covid-19/ )
This will likely affect the Kelowna community support team more any others.
Please stay safe and be well.
Jackie and Brian