Privacy laws check-in

Hey everyone, privacy laws have been a big topic of discussion recently and so we are checking in with a few updates. You can read about the new order that temporarily allows more use of communications and collaborative software tools in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) here. These temporary measures are needed to support “social distancing” (i.e. working from home).

Here are some more details you may want to check in on for yourself or your work:

Hi, Just reminder about Privacy Laws during this time and what has now been passed:

When using Facetime, Zoom, non government Skype and such other technology; remember to have permission from the individual first. And if you are using technology for a meeting with staff do not record the meeting, do not use first and last names, SIN, DOB, addresses. Be mindful that all of these platforms collect people’s information. This includes your IP address, email, network provider, location as well as any aspect of the call.

Cari Havens, Quality Service Analyst (CLBC) – March 30, 2020

Thanks to Cari for passing this along.

Your social distancing reminder of the day…

Hi all:

Please remember to protect yourselves by staying 2m away from others while we are practicing social distancing.

That doesn’t mean you can’t get creative…! See what happened when Coco came home from hospital… it’s a tearjerker (don’t say I didn’t warn you) and a reminder that we’re all in this together and we’re way better when we work together! Have a spectacular weekend! Stay safe!

A couple of plain language Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources – UPDATED

covid photo

Hi all:

Check out these resources from HSCL about staying safe during the Coronavirus pandemic. Thanks Marni at CLBC for passing these along.

UPDATE: Kathy has narrated My Plan For Being Safe and staying for those who would benefit to have the audio of this book presented to them. Thanks Kathy!
