SPOTLIGHT: Sun Safety!

Now that the weather is getting warmer, when you are outside remember to practice Sun Safety!

There are lots of great benefits to getting a daily dose of sunshine – warmth, light, vitamin D3, and improved mood – but too much UV exposure can have dangerous effects.

Before going out to enjoy the good weather, make sure you are aware of the risks and protect yourself.  This Government of Canada website has information on:

  • extreme heat
  • First Aid for sunburn and heat illness
  • health effects of UV radiation
  • skin cancer
  • sun safety basics and tips
  • sunglasses
  • tanning products, beds and lamps

When you head outside, remember to:

  1. Cover up
  2. Limit your time in the sun, especially when it is strongest (11 am – 4 pm)
  3. Use sunscreen
  4. Keep hydrated

You can read more info by clicking here.



With the BC Election around the corner on May 9th, InclusionBC has released information to help individuals exercise their right to vote.  You can also visit the website  Check it out!

Help get out the vote!

Inclusion BC has created an information and participation guide to empower British Columbians with disabilities to vote. Help us get out the vote! Download the guide here.



  • Questions and answers about voting
  • Political parties and their leaders
  • Participating in the election
  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Glossary
  • “You can vote” poster

Visit the ‘I Am Voting’ Website

Inclusion BC 227 – Sixth Street New Westminster, British Columbia V3L 3A5 Canada

WEBINAR: Role of Trustee – May 16th

The Family Support Institute is partnering with KMK Law Corporation to put on a free webinar on May 16th – check out the info below and their poster!

Please see the attached poster (or below) for FSI’s next upcoming webinar on “Role of Trustee” set for May 16 at 6:30pm.  This is a follow up webinar to the one we held last month on “Disability Estates and Planning” and will be presented by Ken Kramer.   Simply click on the image below to register.  Please post and share with your networks!    Thank you.

pdf icon A-Role-of-A-Trustee-FINAL-flyer-Reduced-size.pdf

KELOWNA: Individualized Funding and Microboards – May 15th

Hey everyone, this month’s CLBC Community Council Family Forum is presenting “An Introduction to Individualized Funding and Microboards with Caitlin Goodsell” on Monday, May 15th from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at the CLBC Office Boardroom (140-1060 Manhattan Drive). Pizza provided! Check out the PDF poster for more info.

Remember to RSVP to Linda Farr by 4:30 PM on Friday, May 12th. You can email Linda at or give her a call at 250-712-3610.

Interested in attending? Leave us a comment!

pdf icon 17-05-01-May-2017-CLBC-Community-Council.pdf

KELOWNA: Individualized Funding and Microboards – May 15th

Hey everyone, this month’s CLBC Community Council Family Forum is presenting “An Introduction to Individualized Funding and Microboards with Caitlin Goodsell” on Monday, May 15th from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at the CLBC Office Boardroom (140-1060 Manhattan Drive). Pizza provided! Check out the PDF poster for more info.

Remember to RSVP to Linda Farr by 4:30 PM on Friday, May 12th. You can email Linda at or give her a call at 250-712-3610.

Interested in attending? Leave us a comment!

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