Some info on the PWD increase announced recently

Hi All: For those receiving PWD benefits, here is some info from the province on the PWD increases announced recently:

  • The province announced a rate increase for disability assistance in the Budget on February 16, 2016.
  • Please note that the annual subsidized bus pass will continue and there has been no change to the application process. Clients who have the annual pass will receive their renewal package starting in late summer:
  • Beginning September 1, 2016, all clients who have the Persons with Disabilities Designation will receive a monthly rate increase to use as they choose. The options for people receiving disability assistance > are as follows:
    1. If they don’t receive a subsidized annual bus pass or > the Special Transportation Subsidy, then they will receive a $77 > monthly rate increase to spend as they choose.
    2. If they already have a subsidized annual bus pass they have the option of keeping that bus pass and receiving a rate increase of $25 per month beginning in September. They also have the option to turn in their bus pass at any time after September 1 and receive the full $77 increase in the following months.
    3. If they receive the Special Transportation Subsidy (STS) worth $66 per month, they will receive an STS payment of $329 in April  to cover the April to August 2016 time period. Starting in September, they will automatically receive a monthly rate increase of $77, which  includes the STS and an additional $11 a month rate increase. Further information is available at:

pdf icon Factsheet-SDSI-Rate-Increases_Budget-2016.pdf
pdf icon 3747_DisabilityAssistanceRateIncreases_Graphic-FULL.pdf

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