Hey everyone, Kelowna Museums is hosting Women of the Okanagan — a virtual celebration of women. Tickets include interactive packs, fun props and coupons for local businesses, and additional proceeds are in support of the Kelowna Women’s Shelter. If you’re interested, check out the info here!
CLBC COVID-19 Update for individuals and families…
Hey everyone, CLBC is hosting their next update for individuals and families on March 10th (12-1 pm PST) using MS Teams. You can register by sending an email to clbc.administration@gov.bc.ca asking to attend. Email your COVID-19 questions to CLBCInfo@gov.bc.ca by Tuesday, March 8 @ noon, using the subject line: Mar 10 COVID CALL.

FSI WayFinder series starting up!
Hey everyone, the Family Support Institute of BC is offering their WayFinders series starting on March 2nd! WayFinders is a free program that supports person-centered planning. You can check out more information on the registration page here.
Here’s the schedule – you can attend one or more of the sessions when you register:

Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Hi everyone, check out the two posters below from the BC CDC website – they provide instructions (with pictures!) on how to properly don (put on) and doff (take off) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The website also has information on proper cleaning for re-useable PPE. Check it out!
Province of BC easing COVID-19 restrictions…
Hey everyone, you may have already heard the latest news on easing COVID-19 restrictions in BC — but, in case you missed it, check out this news article’s summary or watch the live stream replay below!
A Prescription for Nature!
Hey everyone, some great news — physicians can write prescriptions for a year-long pass to Canada’s national parks! It’s called A Prescription for Nature, and the program is being introduced in BC. Check it out here! This program is one part of a plan to get people out into nature regularly to support health and wellbeing — another key part is reducing barriers to transportation.
How often do you get out into nature? Leave us a comment!
CLBC update for Individuals & Families…
Hey everyone, CLBC’s most recent update for Individuals and families is now available here. Check it out!

Reminder! COVID-19, Cold & Flu Season, Calling 811…
Hey everyone, given that the symptoms of seasonal colds and the fly can crossover with symptoms of COVID-19, please remember it’s important to call 811 if you are experiencing any symptoms!
We have resources and reminders here on our website too, please check them out!
CLBC Teleconference Jan. 24
CLBC Update for individuals and families…
Hey everyone, CLBC’s most recent update for individuals and families is available, you can check it out here.