Hey everyone, CLBC’s CEO Ross Chilton has provided an update as we all move forward in BC’s Restart Plan. You can check out the full update here.

Hey everyone, CLBC’s CEO Ross Chilton has provided an update as we all move forward in BC’s Restart Plan. You can check out the full update here.
Hey everyone, please make sure you check out the Central Okanagan Emergency Operations bulletins about current evacuation alerts and orders — here is the latest:
News Release No. 5 Central Okanagan, B.C. – There’s no change in the evacuation order and alert for areas of the Regional District of Central Okanagan affected by the White Rock Lake wildfire. Information on the status of current orders and alerts and a map showing the impacted area is available on the RDCO Emergency program website www.cordemergency.ca.
Any change or update in this information will be available on the website, social media channels, emailed to those who have e-subscribed and through local media.
The current Evacuation Order affects 544 properties in the Westshore Estates subdivision off Westside Road and rural areas to the west. RCMP are patrolling and providing security within the Evacuation Area. Structural fire crews are also in the area conducting assessments.
Residents in the Evacuation Order area may register online with Emergency Support Services at ess.bc.ca. An in-person reception centre is open for those evacuees who require food and lodging assistance or are not able to register online at the Salvation Army, 1480 Sutherland Avenue in Kelowna. The facility is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to assist those displaced from their homes.
Motorists should be aware that Westside Road remains closed to northbound traffic at Westshore Road. There is no access to Vernon northbound on Westside Road due to the Evacuation Order. Check www.drivebc.ca for any updates on this closure.
Another 2,400 properties along Westside Road are under Evacuation Alert, south of Westshore Estates to the Bear Lake Main Forest Service Road intersection just north of Traders Cove. The Alert area also includes all public lands located north of Bear and Esperon Forest Service Road. Drivers should be aware the area is restricted to local traffic only. Should fire conditions change, all people on Alert must be prepared to leave their home or campsite on short notice. Information on emergency preparedness is available at www.cordemergency.ca/beprepared.
The latest information from the BC Wildfire Service estimates the fire is 32,500 hectares in size and remains out of control. It says the most eastern point of the fire is just west of Little Bouleau Lake and approximately 15 kilometers west of Westside Road. For updates on the status of the fire visit the White Rock Lake wildfire webpage on the BC Wildfire Service website:
Residents in the Evacuation Order area including Westshore Estates that do not require food or lodging assistance may register online with Emergency Support Services at ess.bc.ca. An in-person reception centre is open for those displaced who require assistance or are not able to register online at the Kelowna Salvation Army, 1480 Sutherland Avenue in Kelowna. The facility is open daily to assist those displaced from their homes from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Emergency Operations Centre staff are working with other response agencies to manage the situation and minimize the impacts; however, affected residents should be prepared to obey an Evacuation Order. Visit cordemergency.ca for information on how to be prepared.
Emergency operations staff will release any new information to the public and media as soon as it becomes available.
Emergency response personnel request that the public:
Contact the information line at 250-469-8490 or 1-877-569-8490 toll-free with questions.
Hi all, don’t forget to swing by the Family Support Institute website to look at what’s going on during August on the Calendar for Connection! Check it out and get involved!
Hey everyone, we are passing along new information about COVID-19 measures being implemented in the Central Okanagan (Interior Health region).
As of midnight tonight, masks will be mandatory in all public indoor spaces once again. Travel to and from the region is also being strongly discouraged unless individuals are fully immunized.
More information published on Castanet here and on CBC News here.
…with Self Advocates of the Rockies (SAOR)! Happening TOMORROW:
Get involved in Arts & Crafts with Kim on July 29 from 2-3 pm MST (1-2 pm Pacific) with Kimberly (email for more info & supplies to k.earl@realmbc.ca) using the Google Meet Link (https://meet.google.com/ydk-javb-xao) and Dial Number: 1-289-349-9404 with PIN: 456 104 362#.
Check out upcoming events!
…from Dr. Bonnie Henry and Self-Advocates! Check it out here.
You can listen to people who got their COVID-19 vaccines talk about it here:
Hey everyone, one of our employees passed along this resource for checking in on local BC air quality — check it out here. Thanks, Norm!
Hey everyone, there’s an online event about Understanding Complex Behaviours taking place tomorrw — the FSI Family Zoom Meeting page to register is here!
…from July 22nd is available online here!