Thanks to Jackie for passing along this article from Castanet featuring a video all about how to keep your home safe during wildfire season — check it out!
There is more information on being prepared for wildfire season here.
Thanks to Jackie for passing along this article from Castanet featuring a video all about how to keep your home safe during wildfire season — check it out!
There is more information on being prepared for wildfire season here.
…comes with a bat-reminder to wash your hands! Happy “Throwback Thursday”!
Who is your favorite cartoon superhero? Let us know in the comments!
…is a shout-out to The Beatles!
Hey everyone, the Government has sent around a reminder to be safe over the holidays, along with advice on how to have a safe celebration — check it out!
A few weeks ago we posted an update from CLBC on COVID-19 vaccine information. The ImmunizeBC website also has FAQs on their website here.
Today we are sharing a fantastic resource on the BCCDC website that goes through decision-making considerations (whether or not to get the vaccine), what you can expect when you go for your vaccine (first dose and second dose), what you can expect after you get your vaccine, and a video about the vaccine science, too.
Find it all here.
The Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, has announced more restrictions on indoor activities today as part of the plan to fight the spread of COVID-19. Between March 29 (today) starting at midnight and April 19:
This page lists all the orders that Dr. Bonnie Henry has put in place.