Celebrate Black History Month!

Hey everyone, we’re celebrating Black History Month in Canada and we wanted to share some cool videos we found highlighting some amazing Canadians including Harriet Tubman, Elijah McCoy, and William Hall — check it out here! You can also connect to events, resources, and organizations locally here!

And, to get started, check out the video below!

A Prescription for Nature!

Hey everyone, some great news — physicians can write prescriptions for a year-long pass to Canada’s national parks! It’s called A Prescription for Nature, and the program is being introduced in BC. Check it out here! This program is one part of a plan to get people out into nature regularly to support health and wellbeing — another key part is reducing barriers to transportation.

How often do you get out into nature? Leave us a comment!

CLBC Teleconference Jan. 24

Hey everyone, CLBC’s next phone conference update with Deputy Provincial Health Officer Dr. Daniele Behn Smith is scheduled for Monday (Jan. 24). More info below! Check it out:
