Hi everyone:
Have you ever checked out the CanadaCares.org website? Here’s a link, some useful information and lots of recognition for the caregivers in our communities.
Check it out!
Hi everyone:
Have you ever checked out the CanadaCares.org website? Here’s a link, some useful information and lots of recognition for the caregivers in our communities.
Check it out!
We are proud to offer an ongoing subscription to all of our contractors and employees to Conversations That Matter (https://conversationsthatmatter.org). We are really excited to share this opportunity with our home share providers and know that you will enjoy the opportunity to be taught by some of the world leaders in the human services field.
Conversations That Matter is an online convention centre that focuses on training videos geared toward working in the helping professions. As such, internet access is required; if you don’t have it, there might be an opportunity to review the videos at a public venue that has internet access such as a library.
As part of our ongoing training and support efforts, all home share providers are registered for the service. These videos all have questions at the end of each and an opportunity to share your thoughts with us about the content. We’d love it if you took the time to let us know what you think of the videos and are hoping that they’ll generate ideas for future training opportunities and stimulate discussion about the issues that we face in providing supports.
By now, all of our contracted home share providers should have received a e-mail notification of their subscription. Please let your home share coordinator know if you haven’t yet received an invitation.
Darren and the crew organized a day helping out Pathways Ability Society. They bought a place out in our neighbourhood and so a group got together to paint a bunch of rooms in their new space.
Thanks everybody who participated in welcoming Pathways to Rutland and working together to achieve something great.
From the CCSW Program at Selkirk College in Castlegar:
Join us for an ExtraOrdinary Tea Party on Friday, March 28 in the main pit area from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm. The Selkirk College Classroom and Community Support Worker class from Castlegar is hosting “Your Story: An ExtraOrdinary Tea Party”.Everyone has a story! And the stories of those who move through the world differently are amazing to hear, to learn from, and to share. This annual event, planned by CCSW students, promotes awareness about living with diverse abilities, and helps to create more inclusive communities. Join us for fun, refreshments, music, simulations, alternative art activities, and surprises for all to enjoy!
For more information feel free to message us on the Classroom & Community Support Workers at Selkirk College Facebook page. Or check out the event on the Selkirk College website at https://selkirk.ca/event/
extraordinary-tea-party-ccs w-program . Or give Jane Green a call at (1).250.365.1252.Hope to see you there!The Classroom and Community Support Worker Class of 2014
Cheers to Darren and the crew who organized a volunteer day at the Kelowna Gospel Mission. Looks like a great time was had by all. You can find the newspaper ad with some more photos here.
Hey Everyone:
Thanks to the gang at the Central Okanagan Professional Caregivers Society for their latest newsletter. You can find it here.
Hi everyone:
Here’s the COPCS newsletter; some interesting home share news plus a membership application.