A Prescription for Nature!

Hey everyone, some great news — physicians can write prescriptions for a year-long pass to Canada’s national parks! It’s called A Prescription for Nature, and the program is being introduced in BC. Check it out here! This program is one part of a plan to get people out into nature regularly to support health and wellbeing — another key part is reducing barriers to transportation.

How often do you get out into nature? Leave us a comment!

CLBC Teleconference Jan. 24

Hey everyone, CLBC’s next phone conference update with Deputy Provincial Health Officer Dr. Daniele Behn Smith is scheduled for Monday (Jan. 24). More info below! Check it out:

Grant opportunity – Apply by January 10!

Hi everyone, CLBC has announced they are accepting applications for one-time Community Inclusion Innovation Fund grants (amounts between $5,000 and $100,000 available).

According to CLBC’s website, this is an opportunity for people to apply for grant funding that supports their creative initiatives:

Applications are due by January 10, 2022. Check out the details here.

SPOTLIGHT: Caregiver communities

Hey everyone, we’re focusing our posts on CAREGIVERS and resources for caregivers this month. We know that one of the challenges faced by many caregivers is…finding sustainable ways to integrate connecting with other caregivers into a busy schedule.

While we’ve posted about the importance of self-care to caregivers, we wanted today’s discussion to be more focused on how connecting with others who have caregiving experience can help fight feelings of isolation and loneliness. With the COVID-19 pandemic changing how we all connect safely with one another, feeling isolated and lonely is more common than in the past. So, since we’ve posted about many ways for caregivers to connect, what’s are we bringing to the table today to try out?

Podcasts! If you haven’t listened to a podcast before, they are like individual radio shows and are usually released in episodes. Podcasts typically target a topic per episode. These podcasts in particular are designed to be relevant to the caregiving experience by those who put them out into the podcast-universe:

Besides the more obvious benefits of podcasts (running for a set amount of time per episode; covering a breadth of information about a given topic; facilitating discussion with and between people who have relevant experience) they can be a great tool to help caregivers feel that their struggles, challenges, and successes are genuinely seen, acknowledged, and respected. And – we hope! – support caregivers to feel a little less lonely and a little less isolated!

Let us know in the comments if you have a favorite podcast.
