Have Your Say In…Parking

Hey everyone, have your say in accessible parking in Kelowna and enter to win a $50 gift card to a local business:

The City is reaching out to accessible parking users to take a survey and share their experiences using City of Kelowna accessible parking stalls. Survey feedback will be used to create a new accessible parking program and respondents can enter to win a $50 gift card to a local business for their participation.

“We completed the Downtown Area Parking Plan last year and during that process we heard from residents that there are barriers to accessible parking in Kelowna,” says Andrew Rolston, Parking Operations Coordinator. “This survey will help us understand more clearly what those barriers are and what solutions users would prefer.”

The survey is open to anyone who regularly uses or has used accessible parking stalls in City owned parking lots and on-street parking, for themselves, friends, family members or clients. The survey is open until 4 p.m., Oct. 20.

To take the survey, go to https://getinvolved.kelowna.ca/. To check out a map of accessible parking stalls, go to https://www.kelowna.ca/roads-transportation/parking/find-parking.

COVID-19 Disability Survey

Hey everyone, Castanet.net reported this morning that Canadians who identify as having a disability – physical, cognitive, or sensory – or having a child or family member living with a disability have an opportunity to share their unique experiences and concerns while navigating COVID-19.

Participating in this survey provides feedback that will guide policymakers, businesses and national organizations to develop inclusive and accessible policies, processes, and services. To participate in the COVID-19 Disability Survey, click here and for more information you can email or call 1-(866)-639-1858.

“This is an opportunity for people with disabilities to share how their experiences in accessing services during COVID-19 has impacted their physical, mental and social health. … It’s imperative the voices and concerns of Canadians living with disabilities are reflected in the public health response to COVID-19.”

Martin Ginis (Director of the Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management)

Happy (virtual) Canada Day!

Many of us enjoy going to our local Canada Day celebrations, being out in our communities, and celebrating our country together.

While this holiday might look a bit different for us this year, there are many ways we can all still celebrate safely! Lots of cities are taking the celebrations virtual. The Government of Canada even has an entire webpage dedicated to virtual celebrations, and Canada Day Celebration kits with activity themes!

No matter how you are celebrating Canada Day this year, remember to keep a safe social distance, at least 2m from other people. Stay safe and healthy, and have fun!

Free online training with posAbilities: LINK! Safety, Relationships, Sexuality

Hey everyone, posAbilities is offering free Zoom-hosted online sessions called LINK! Safety, Relationships, Sexuality from June 2 to July 2.

Along with two mandatory sessions for all participants, sessions available include:

  • Different Types of Touch and Trusted People
  • Self-Care
  • Gender and Identity
  • Relationships and Decision Making
  • Online Safety and Pornography
  • Dating and Break-Ups
  • Thinking about Sex (Determining “Readiness”, Types of Sexual Activity)
  • Safer Sex (STIs and Contraception)

Check out their poster (PDF link below) for more information and details on how to register!

Emergency Preparedness Week!

Hey everyone, it’s Emergency Preparedness Week from May 3-9 in the Central Okanagan!

As we are heading into fire and flood season, we thought we would share some great resources from CORD Emergency Operations including Flooding Preparedness, getting FireSmart, and information from the Province! They also have an option to sign up for their email updates.

Check it out here.

Did You Know Quote in Doodle Frame with Hand Drawn Light Bulb Isolated on White Background. Graphic Design Elements with Typography, Sticker, Icon, Educational Banner. Cartoon Flat Vector Illustration

Choir! Choir! Choir! – Choir!ntine!

Hey everyone:

This is a great news story – Choir! Choir! Choir! is a group of ‘flash mob’ singers where a pile of people gather at a club or a bar to sing a song or two – I can’t personally wait for this COVID quarantine to be over to go somewhere they are singing to participate. Plus… they’re CANADIAN…!

Some of my favourites: Choir! Choir! Choir! with Rick Astley, Rufus Wainwright, The Barenaked Ladies and Colin Hay.

The two main guys in Choir! Choir! Choir! have set up a couple of sing-a-longs – this is a great way to sing with them and hopefully add a little music to our lives. See the one below and… stay safe!

