Update on shelter rate increase for supported individuals in CLBC home sharing or staffed homes
Further to the July 7, 2023 Info Bulletin on the CLBC Individual Financial Contribution Policy and the government’s shelter rate increase, we are writing to provide an update on the upcoming increases.

The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR) is now implementing the shelter rate increases. To make sure all home sharing and staffed home providers can access the government’s $125 increase to the maximum shelter allowance rates for individuals on disability assistance, effective August 2023:CLBC’s standardized individual financial contribution rate for people who are under 65 and receive PWD will increase from $716.13 to $841.13.
 CLBC will provide an equivalent increase in payments to home sharing providers for people who are age 65+ and receive OAS/GIS.
CLBC has worked with the Ministry to have increases for individuals under 65 flow through to home sharing and staffed home providers. If supported individuals do not have the right information in their Shelter Information Forms, additional steps may be required. CLBC has notified agencies about these individuals and the steps required to update Shelter Information Forms.

The Ministry is recommending that individuals who need to submit an updated Shelter Information Form do so as soon as possible. SDPR has indicated that, even though the change may not be reflected in the July 19th, 2023 (August benefit month) cheque, the payment amount will be adjusted as per the start date reflected in the Shelter Information Form (eg. August 1, 2023).

As noted above, CLBC will be providing increases to service provider Home Sharing contracts to match individual contribution rate increases for people age 65+ who receive OAS/GIS (i.e. $125/month increase for individuals on OAS/GIS effective August 1, 2023). The process for updating contracts takes some time and may differ among agencies. Increases will be retroactive. If you have questions regarding the timing and process for receiving this increase, please speak to your coordinating agency.

Questions about the maximum shelter rate increase or how to update a shelter information form can be directed to the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction through My Self Serve or by phone at 1-866-866-0800.
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PWD Shelter Rate Increases

Important information on upcoming
PWD shelter rate increases
Hello Service Provider Colleagues,

I am writing to you because your agency coordinates home sharing resources and/or staffed living services through contracts with CLBC.

As I believe you are aware, Community Living BC has been working in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR) to confirm under what circumstances individuals on disability assistance who reside in home sharing and staffed living services will automatically receive the $125 shelter rate increase. The increase was announced in the B.C. Government’s budget in February 2023 and goes into effect on August 1, 2023. Under CLBC policy, the shelter increase will be passed on to the individual’s home sharing or staffed living provider.

MSDPR will be providing a message to all individuals on disability assistance in early July via My Self Serve or mail. The letter will include the following statement:

“Clients who reside in Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) contracted residential facilities will have their CLBC standardized rate automatically updated to include the increase and no action is required.”
This means that if the individual has the standardized rate of $716 or $716.13 registered as their current rental expense, they will see that amount automatically increase to $841 or $841.13. If an individual does not receive the current standardized rate of $716 or $716.13 from the Ministry, they may need to update their information by completing a Shelter Information Form (HR3037) and submitting it through MSDPR’s My Self Serve system at Myselfserve.gov.bc.ca, or in an MSDPR office.  If an individual is not sure what their current shelter allowance is, they can check My Self Serve, review their last direct deposit cheque statement or review their cheque stub if they receive a paper cheque from the Ministry. When completing the Shelter Information form (HR3037), in the section titled “Type of Rental Accommodation”, they should check “D. Other” and please specify “CLBC Home Share Provider”.  In the section titled “Accommodation Information”, they should include the new Total Rent of the Unit (i.e., $841.13).

In the first couple of weeks of July, CLBC will be sending you a list from MSDPR of individuals who are receiving home support services through your agency and who do not have the standardized rates registered with MSDPR. Because of the tight turnaround time before disability assistance is disbursed, we recommend that if individuals know they have non-standardized rates, they update their shelter information with MSDPR by July 10 or sooner. If an individual is unable to make that timeframe, the Ministry can process their shelter information form anytime and issue a separate payment for the August benefit month based on the individual’s form confirming the change happened for August 1, 2023. 

Thanks in advance for your assistance in communicating with individuals, their families and their home support providers to ensure they are fully aware of these changes to their shelter rate and what steps they may need to take to receive it.

Individuals with questions about the shelter increases should be directed to MSDPR through My Self Serve or, where the individual is not registered for My Self Serve, by contacting the Ministry at 1-866-866-0800.

John Stinson
VP, Service Delivery and Innovation
Community Living BC

CLBC’s Cultural Safety Principles

Learn about CLBC’s Cultural Safety Principles in new video
Dear Service Providers,

In the fall of 2022, Community Living BC created its first Cultural Safety Policy. The policy describes cultural safety principles and practices that will guide how CLBC staff and service providers engage, support, monitor, and plan with First Nations, Métis and Inuit individuals, as well as their families, support networks and communities. This policy is an important step towards ensuring CLBC’s and the community living sector’s actions align with the rights of Indigenous Peoples, which is a key goal of our current Strategic Plan.

CLBC has created a new video to raise awareness and understanding of the six principles that guide the Cultural Safety Policy:Culturally Responsive ProgrammingIndigenous Anti-RacismIndigenous Trauma Informed and Responsive ApproachPromoting, Maintaining and Sustaining ConnectionsPerson-Centred ApproachPromoting a Coordinated Service Approach
Click here to watch CLBC’s Cultural Safety Principles video

The video, along with the Cultural Safety Service Provider Practice Guide, is a tool to support service providers and CLBC staff to learn how to offer our services in ways that are as culturally safe as possible.

If you have any questions, please email CLBCIndigenousPracticeAdvisor@gov.bc.ca.

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Joanne Mills
VP, Quality Services and Indigenous Relations
Community Living BC

Mental Health First Aid

Virtual Training

Mental Health First Aid

The Mental Health Commission of Canada reports that one in every five Canadians experiences a mental health problem within a given year. While we often know a lot about physical illness, there tends to be less knowledge about mental health or substance use problems. This lack of understanding leads to fear and negative attitudes towards individuals living with these problems. It prevents people from seeking help for themselves and from providing appropriate support to people around them.

What is Mental Health First Aid? This virtual certified 9-hour training course is a program of the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health or substance use crisis
  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:
    • talk about their mental well-being
    • discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being
    • reach out to these supports
  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis situation
  • Check in with one’s own mental well -being and take action as needed

Course consists of 3 modules and will include discussion, videos, and scenarios

Module 1: Introduction to MHFA – Self Directed (approx. 2 hours)

  • Introduction to the course
  • Introduction to MHFA actions
  • After registration, participants will be given a unique, individual code that will allow access to this module and will receive the MHFA Participant Reference Guide that outlines MHFA actions for developing mental health and substance use problems and mental health and substance use crises. Please note that the self-directed Module 1 does not have to be completed in one sitting, but it must be completed before attending Modules 2 and 3

Module 2: MHFA for Declining Mental Well-Being – Virtual Classroom Model (3.5 hours)

  • Practice applying MHFA actions to situations of declining mental well-being
  • Guidelines for MHFA conversations with people from diverse cultures and members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community

Module 3: MHFA for Crisis Situations – Virtual Classroom Model (3.5 hours)

  • Discussion on using MHFA actions for self-care
  • Practice using MHFA actions in crisis situations

Available dates and times:

Module 2 – Thursday, June 8 – 9:00-12:30 PST

Module 3 – Friday, June 9 – 9:00-12:30 PST


Participants must complete the self directed 2-hour Module 1 before attending the virtual Modules 2 and 3. Attendance is required at both virtual modules in order to receive a certificate. Participants must have access to Zoom (zoom meeting ID and password will be given after registration) and a computer with microphone capabilities. A working camera is highly recommended.


Cost is $225.00 per person and includes a certificate of completion. Please note that each session is limited to 15 participants and spaces fill up quickly. To register or for more information, please call or email:

Lori Veltkamp 403-942-5250 Email: loriveltkamp@mentalhealthready.com


CSSHSA Webinar

Home Page


Webinar #8 (01-June-2023 10AM-12PM)

  • Bill Dyer, Director, Reducing Poverty Initiative – National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR)
  • Stephen Symon, Manager Client Services, RTW Consultation and Education Services – WorkSafeBC

Over the past three years in the community social services (CSS) sector, WorkSafeBC injury time loss claims have reach historical levels.  The Association is pleased to present the CSS Disability Management & RTW Webinar for the sector at no cost to participants on June 1, 2023, from 10 am to 12 pm.  

The Disability Management will capture the steps – components to consider when creating your organizations disability management program, “The Coles note – how to.” While the Return to Work and Recover and Work: Importance of Early Intervention and Introduction of Bill 41 (Return to Work and Other Duties in Relation to Injured Workers).

We are delighted to have seasoned speakers Bill Dyer and Stephen Symon.  This webinar is building on previous presentations and will be providing key information to support employers and workers.  Please register quickly at the link below.  Thank you.Participant Range:

 500 Max. (Limits on organization number of participants)Participant Admission:

 Free / No CostRegistration Link:


Workplace Mental Health BC

Looking to learn more about mental health – here are some free webinars/workshops that you can attend through Workplace Mental Health BC: https://www.workmentalhealthbc.ca/resource/article/css-upcoming-webinars

WEBINAR: The Stories We Tell Ourselves – Strategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Thursday, May 25  | 11:00AM till 12:15PM | REGISTER

Gain the tools to conquer self-doubt and and rewrite your story in this empowering workshop on unmasking imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological phenomenon where individuals hold the belief that they are undeserving of success, persistently plagued by feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt about their intelligence, skills, or competence. It is often described as feeling like a fraud who achieved success through luck and fear being exposed.

This workshop delves into the essence of imposter syndrome, exploring its distinct types and offering practical strategies for overcoming self-doubt.

Over the span of 75 minutes, participants will:

  • Learn to recognize imposter syndrome in themselves and their colleagues.
  • Understand the connection between avoidance, overworking, and imposter syndrome.
  • Examine the narratives we tell ourselves that perpetuate self-doubt.
  • Harness the power of self-compassion to combat imposter syndrome.
  • Discover effective coping strategies for dealing with imposter syndrome.

Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss their personal experiences with imposter syndrome and its triggers.

This workshop welcomes individuals who are interested in understanding and addressing imposter syndrome, as well as Federation members seeking ways to navigate imposter syndrome and the accompanying unhelpful thoughts and emotions.

Information about May 26 Home Sharing Support Society Open House

Information about May 26 Home Sharing Support Society Open House

Dear home sharing coordinators and home sharing providers –
CLBC wants to provide you with information about the new Home Sharing Support Society of BC first open house on May 26.
The open house is for supported individuals, families, home sharing providers, agency coordinators, funders and others connected to home sharing.
Details can be found here: https://www.communitylivingbc.ca/homepage-news/information-about-may-26-home-sharing-support-society-open-house

May 2: CLBC Update re: Final Covid-19 Call for Individuals and Families


Dear self advocates and family members –

Please join our final COVID-19 update call on Tuesday, May 2, from 12 – 1 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) to receive the latest health and safety information from Dr. Daniele Behn Smith, Deputy Provincial Health Officer. The link for this call is found below.

When: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Time: 12 – 1 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time

Speakers on this call will include:

  • Michael J. Prince, Call moderator and Chair, CLBC Board
  • Ross Chilton, CEO, Community Living BC
  • Dr. Daniele Behn Smith, Deputy Provincial Health Officer

Please send your questions about COVID by noon on Friday, April 28 to CLBCInfo@gov.bc.ca with the subject line: MAY 2 COVID CALL.

This meeting will be on the Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) platform so that participants can hear and see the speakers. People will also have the option to call in with a telephone. Please use the following MS Teams link or call-in telephone numbers to join the call:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 223 968 016 450
Passcode: hUdfCu
Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 778-401-6289,,169475324#   Canada, Victoria
Phone Conference ID: 169 475 324#
Find a local number | Reset PIN
Toll-free (audio only): 1-888-600-3289
Learn More | Meeting options

If you have questions or would like to receive an information sheet with instructions on how to use MS Teams, please contact CLBC.Events@gov.bc.ca.

For the latest information from CLBC, please visit our COVID-19 webpage for individuals and families here

Satisfaction Surveys 2023

Every year CCSS likes to check in with Employees, Persons Supported and Home Share Providers on our services provided, receive feedback and gain insight into what we can improve on as an agency.

Please feel free to complete the Satisfaction Survey to provide information and feedback to CCSS on their services. Click on the corresponding link below:

Employees: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSel7Lj_TjRq-Qgt_39THudMaPqRZNu8B0bEdvUubuMoFhAMlA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Persons Supported: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSesrEoOE_PS11ILiDB5YHL-wp_szXjZd_y5dZkon-Ivfdn3Qw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Home Share Providers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKNK3MUr5nklIyUQebbPwDn7ksr_RNDN2Z47f5JlriPttlJQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Thank you in advance for completing this years Satisfaction Survey.
