INFO: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Hey everyone, in addition to our last post, we are passing along more information about COVID-19 (coronavirus) as it comes to us.

First – from our friends over at COPCS:

Second – from the BCCEO Network:

  • a memo from CLBC CEO Ross Chilton with information on what CLBC is doing

Please remember to wash your hands often, and to stay home if you’re feeling sick.

BC Non-profit Housing Survey

Hi Everyone:

Please add your voice to the direction of Inclusive Housing in BC by completing this survey for the BC Non-Profit Housing Association.

Why it’s important:

BCNPHA and Community Living BC have partnered on a survey to learn more about the housing needs, demands, and preferences of adults with a developmental disability who are living in B.C. While we know there is a need for more affordable, accessible, and inclusive housing for adults with a developmental disability in the province, filling out this survey will help us to better understand and plan for that need. 

BCNPHA, 2020

The survey can be found here.

HOME SHARE: Share your story!

Hey everyone, check out this opportunity to share YOUR home share story!

Request for Stories from Home Share Providers, People living in Home Share and their Families

As part of updating CLBC’s Home Share Handbook, the Home Sharing Handbook Working Group Committee has made an extensive revision of the various existing handbook materials, identified additional topics of importance that have surfaced in conjunction with the frequently asked questions about Home Sharing. The first draft of this project is to design a new resource handbook called an ‘Introduction to Home Sharing’ with specific go to references for Home Share Providers, People living in Home Share and for the persons family.  Included in the content of this resource will be stories and videos about experiences in Home Sharing. These stories will invite enthusiasm and provide clear insight as to what Home Sharing exactly means.

If you are presently a Home Share Provider or a Person Living in Home Share or a family member, please share your stories!  Your experiences with Home Sharing are valuable and important in understanding what Home Share truly means. Everyone’s successes tell a different story. We understand every person with diverse abilities assisted in Home Share are unique and come from different cultural backgrounds. The composition of the family of Home Share Providers varies as does living in rural regions.

Please forward your stories by Monday, March 16th, 2020. You can do so either by email to or by mail to COPCS, 1844 Golbeck Court, Kelowna, BC, V1P 1L7. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at 778-753-2625. We look forward to hearing your stories and inspiration!  Please share this email with your Home Share networks.

Sincerely,, Margaret Milsom & Jack Sawatzky (Committee Members of the Home Share Handbook Working Group)

Goodbye dear friend…..

Mary Nicholas

It is with much sadness and heavy heart that we announce the passing of our dear friend Mary Nicholas. Our friendship with Mary started 25 years ago and we have all been blessed to receive her kind and gentle guidance. She has made us better people. We will miss her dearly and will always remember her fondly. There will seldom be a spring breeze that won’t bring her gentle intention in its warm embrace.
