SPOTLIGHT: Sun Safety!

Hey everybody, the weather’s getting hot.

So, in this SPOTLIGHT, we are focusing on Sun Safety!

Sun Safety is all about getting outside and staying busy in nice weather, but also making sure that we take care of our health and avoid the risks of being in the sun.  There are some really great tips on sun safety here (at the Government of Canada website).

And, to keep things fun, the Minions team up Olympic Gold Medallist Stephanie Rice in this fun video with sun safety tips.  Check it out!

SPOTLIGHT: CRA weighs in on Caregiver earnings!

Hey everyone, some interesting information came our way and we are sharing it with you in today’s SPOTLIGHT!

We have posted to our Caregiver Support and Networking page a letter from the CRA to CLBC from March of this year.  The letter spends some time considering whether or not caregiver income is taxable.

You can find the Letter – Canada Revenue Agency to CLBC (March 28, 2018)  here.

As always, we encourage each caregiver to consult their tax professional when filing their income taxes.
