Hey everyone, this week’s social distancing reminder is an invitation to the Nelson Cares LIVE-STREAM SPOOKTACULAR happening next Friday night!

Hi folks,
In honour of Community Inclusion Month, we are going to try something different this Spook-tober…
We are going to have our most excellent DJ, Lucas, return for a live streaming Halloween music event on Friday October the 30th! The event will take place on zoom, and the log in is the same for any self-advocacy meeting (see poster below) Lucas will be sharing tunes while the rest of us can use the chat bar to converse and the video to show off our costumes and react together. Maybe folks will feel like dancing in their house or just listening is fine too.
Either way, please feel free to dress up, dance in your room, or have a little house party with your pod and enjoy the tunes together!
Hope to see you there, it begins at 6:00.
Matthew Wilson-Birks, Advisor, The Nelson Self-Advocacy Group (Click here to find us on Facebook), Nelson CARES Society
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