Caregiving And…STRESS

We are featuring Caregivers for the whole month of November! You can expect us post about requested topics and issues specific to caregivers. Let’s dive right in.

DIVING IN: Stress and caregiving —You are a caregiver, and the work you do is very important and very rewarding – but it can also be very stressful when the work is never truly “done.” Meet the Frates family, as they talk about some of the challenges of caregiving.

Compassion Fatigue: Frates family on challenges of caregiving,Boston Herald(Dec 25, 2017)

DRILLING DOWN: Risks and burnout — Experiencing stress (emotionally and physically) is common for most caregivers – but did you know there’s also risk factors that make you more likely to experience stress as a caregiver? You can read the full list here, but it includes living with the person you are caring for, being socially isolated, having depression, and experiencing financial difficulties. Even if these factors don’t apply you in a “typical” year, keep in mind that this hasn’t been “a typical year.” You might experience these risk factors this year because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, or these factors might be affecting you more now than they did before. Over time, stress can lead to burnout. Here are some signs of caregiver stress and burnout.

DIGGING DEEP: Taking action — Coping with stress can look different for everyone, but taking action includes acknowledging and talking about stress, recognizing and talking about the risks of burnout, and prioritizing taking care of yourself in an ongoing way. There are also 27 specific coping strategies on this website. Share which ones you think are best in the comments!

Celebrate Caregivers this Month!

Hey everyone, last month we celebrated Community Inclusion month…this month, we invite you to join us — and other organizations in North America! — in celebrating CAREGIVERS!

While the first Tuesday of April has been adopted as National Caregiver Day in Canada, we are having caregivers take over the month of November on our blog — you can expect to see posts each week with Great News! that recognize and feature caregivers, training opportunities and resources, Frequently Asked Questions (and a summary of answers) and suggested topics!

To start us off, we are featuring the Caregivers Resource Expo — where you can find resources under the topics of connecting, empowering, and supporting caregivers — on the Carers Canada webpage. Check it out and pass it on!

Upcoming Virtual Training – Mental Health, COVID-19, and Health & Wellbeing Conference!

Hey everyone, don’t miss out on these upcoming training opportunities!

October 22 – November 26, 2020
Thursdays from 1:30-3:30 PM EST
Let’s Learn Research
Join a virtual course for adults with developmental disabilities to learn about mental health research. Let’s Learn Research is led by researchers at the Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre and will run every Thursday from October 22 to November 26 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.


November 3 – December 8, 2020
Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30 PM EST
Mental Health for adults with developmental disabilities during COVID
The Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre at CAMH is hosting a new virtual course beginning November 3, 2020. This course is for family caregivers of adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD). The curriculum will specifically address the mental health challenges that this population can face during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here for more info

November 26-27, 2020
7th Biennial Conference on Developmental Disabilities: Health and Wellbeing across the Lifespan VIRTUAL CONFERENCE
Online registration is now OPEN, Early Bird Registration available until October 30th.

The term developmental disabilities (DD) refers to people with intellectual disability, autism spectrum, fetal alcohol spectrum and related neurodevelopmental genetic syndromes. Children, youth, and adults with DD are vulnerable to high rates of general health and mental health concerns. This interactive 2020 conference will focus on practical strategies to optimize the quality of life for people with DD. Our goal is to help clinicians and caregivers learn effective ways to work with people with DD, and their families, in partnership to improve their quality of life experience. The conference will also provide educational and informative psychiatric, behavioural, mental health, and complex physical health updates specific to people with DD, and showcase best practices in the field. This conference will engage health care providers and educators from a wide range of professional disciplines in knowledge transfer and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Please note that the conference is scheduled to run from 8:30am – 12:30 pm PST / 11:30 – 3:30pm EST (-/+ 30 minutes) from November 26-27, 2020. The registration fee includes access to the conference portal for the days registered, as well as viewing of all session recordings for two weeks after the conference adjourns.

Click here for more info