Workplace Mental Health BC

Looking to learn more about mental health – here are some free webinars/workshops that you can attend through Workplace Mental Health BC:

WEBINAR: The Stories We Tell Ourselves – Strategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Thursday, May 25  | 11:00AM till 12:15PM | REGISTER

Gain the tools to conquer self-doubt and and rewrite your story in this empowering workshop on unmasking imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological phenomenon where individuals hold the belief that they are undeserving of success, persistently plagued by feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt about their intelligence, skills, or competence. It is often described as feeling like a fraud who achieved success through luck and fear being exposed.

This workshop delves into the essence of imposter syndrome, exploring its distinct types and offering practical strategies for overcoming self-doubt.

Over the span of 75 minutes, participants will:

  • Learn to recognize imposter syndrome in themselves and their colleagues.
  • Understand the connection between avoidance, overworking, and imposter syndrome.
  • Examine the narratives we tell ourselves that perpetuate self-doubt.
  • Harness the power of self-compassion to combat imposter syndrome.
  • Discover effective coping strategies for dealing with imposter syndrome.

Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss their personal experiences with imposter syndrome and its triggers.

This workshop welcomes individuals who are interested in understanding and addressing imposter syndrome, as well as Federation members seeking ways to navigate imposter syndrome and the accompanying unhelpful thoughts and emotions.

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