Keep On…

…keeps all you Star Wars fans a “safe” social distance away from Darth Vadar! Thanks for sharing this video, Emily! Let’s all stay health and safe, at least 2m (6 feet) apart!
Hey everyone, the next teleconference call for service providers and Home Share Providers with Dr. Behn Smith will be Dec 8th:
Date: December 8, 2020
Time: 1 – 2:15 p.m.
Call in: Vancouver 604-681-0260, Elsewhere 1-877-353-9184
Participant code: 37568#
We are celebrating Caregivers the whole month of November! This week we are talking about Self-Care. Let’s dive right in.
DIVING IN: What is self-care? You are a caregiver, and the work you do is very important and very rewarding – but it can also mean your own needs get put last on a to-do list that can seem never-ending. Self-care is everything we do for ourselves that makes us feel relaxed, whole, energized, and rejuvenated. It helps us feel ready to take on what’s next (whatever that is!).
DRILLING DOWN: Why choose self-care? Choosing to take care of yourself means you are able to give keep giving care to others – check out this video that talks about why it’s so important!
DIGGING DEEP: Where to start. Start small, even 5 minutes once in a while, and build up from there. What “works” for self-care is completely individual for each of us. Try lots of self-care options to figure out what works for you! Or, “self-share” if connecting with others is what helps you “self-care”! Here are some ideas:
Try anything and everything until you find what works for YOU! Share your favorite experiments with us in the comments!
Hey everyone, it’s important we all keep following Dr. Bonnie Henry’s directions to keep each other healthy and safe!
Social distancing is important (and we have posted lots about it!) and so is wearing a mask. Here is a great social story that helps teach about wearing masks for health and safety. Thanks to Emily for another great video!
Hey everyone, if you’re interested in Foodsafe Level 1, Kim has a class coming up on Dec 14th (assuming no further regulatory changes) at the Kanata Kelowna Hotel starting at 8:30am. Contact Kim for info: Kimberley Cresswell (FOODSAFE Level 1 Certified Instructor) at kcresswell@shaw.ca or call 250.863.8112.
Hi everyone: please see the attached invitation/ info for an important CLBC survey involving home share. The survey is here: https://survey.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eldXDuH2cFTpTr7
We are focusing on CAREGIVERS this month! We have talked about some big caregiver issues – stress, compassion fatigue, and tools & training. One piece of advice offered to help cope is to connect with other caregivers and others who understand what you’re going through – in person or online! A way to connect virtually can be through podcasts for caregivers. For examples, there is a link here where you can check out a podcast called The Giving Tree by Amanda Rocheleau (a Registered Social Worker and compassion fatigue specialist) for helping professionals and caregivers.
THANK YOU CAREGIVERS for all you do!